
cvs university project with different features

Primary LanguagePython


Local version control system implemented in Python.


pip install .


  • Firstly, you should install cvs with 'pip install .'.
  • Secondly, in your working directory you should execute 'python3 -m cvs -init' in terminal.
  • After that, all the commands should be run from the same directory.
Command Description
python3 -m cvs -h Show help message
python3 -m cvs -init Make .cvs folder for further work with cvs
python3 -m cvs -status Show current branch or commit you are working on
python3 -m cvs -log Show history of current commit
python3 -m cvs -add path Add file or folder in cvs index
python3 -m cvs -rm path Remove file or folder in cvs index
python3 -m cvs -commit message Commit changes
python3 -m cvs -branch name Create branch attached to current commit
python3 -m cvs -checkout name Update files of working directory from commit, tag or branch
python3 -m cvs -tag name message Create tag attached to current commit
python3 -m cvs --commit-list Show all commit names
python3 -m cvs --tag-list Show all tag names
python3 -m cvs --branch-list Show all branch names

Run tests
