
Nordic Device Firmware Update for React Native

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Converge Developer Notes

The original repo is poorly maintained and we've taken some changes from different forks over the last couple of years.

This is a fork of a fork which seems to have all the changes we want (Salt and pepper fork)

This fork was done to get the changes in this PR from the original repo. It appears the previous converge fork changes are in the salt & pepper fork, which this is a fork of. It adds the alternativeAdvertisingNameEnabled feature.

Hopefully there will be a better maintained version of this repo in future. I have bumped this version to 3.4.0 and updated the package.json so we can publish this to github packages.

For now I have appended -2022 on the repo name, so we can end up deleting this repo in future and replacing with something more stable.

react-native-nordic-dfu npm version CircleCI Known Vulnerabilities

This library allows you to do a Device Firmware Update (DFU) of your nrf51 or nrf52 chip from Nordic Semiconductor. It works for both iOS and Android.

For more info about the DFU process, see: Resources

This is a fork from the main library!

  • Please keep in mind the our availability to maintain this fork is limited and is based on our project needs.
  • If need the main documentation you can find it here.
  • This fork contains the latest verisons of iOSDFULibrary & Android-BLE-Library.


Install and link the NPM package per usual with

npm install --save https://github.com/Salt-PepperEngineering/react-native-nordic-dfu


yarn add https://github.com/Salt-PepperEngineering/react-native-nordic-dfu

For React Native below 60.0 version

react-native link react-native-nordic-dfu

Project Setup

Unfortunately, the ios project is written in Objective-C so you will need to use use_frameworks! :linkage => :static. Note: We are considering rewriting the ios module on Swift, but it depends very much on how much free time we have and how much we needed right now.


  • Flipper Disabled
target "YourApp" do

  pod "react-native-nordic-dfu", path: "../node_modules/react-native-nordic-dfu"
  use_frameworks! :linkage => :static
  :flipper_configuration => FlipperConfiguration.disabled,

  • Flipper enabled
static_frameworks = ['iOSDFULibrary']
pre_install do |installer|
  installer.pod_targets.each do |pod|
    if static_frameworks.include?(pod.name)
      puts "Overriding the static_frameworks? method for #{pod.name}"
      def pod.build_type;
        Pod::BuildType.new(:linkage => :static, :packaging => :framework)

target "YourApp" do

  pod "react-native-nordic-dfu", path: "../node_modules/react-native-nordic-dfu"
  :flipper_configuration => FlipperConfiguration.enabled,



#import "RNNordicDfu.h"

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

  [RNNordicDfu setCentralManagerGetter:^() {
           return [[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:nil queue:dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)];

         // Reset manager delegate since the Nordic DFU lib "steals" control over it
             [RNNordicDfu setOnDFUComplete:^() {
             [RNNordicDfu setOnDFUError:^() {


New Example

  1. cd newExample
  2. yarn setup
  3. Go to newExample/App.tsx
  4. Update the filePath variable with the link to the firmware file
  5. Update the BleManagerService.init('', ''); function with the DFU Service & the device name
  6. Press Connect to Device in Area button
  7. When you see some small info about the device on the screen Press the Start Update
  8. If you have any problems connecting to the Device pleas consult the react-native-ble-manager


  • For configuration issues please also check this (Pilloxa#171)
