(discontinued) InstaPy Dashboard developed using React.js and Node.js
- 0
Some install issue with docker-compose
#46 opened by alex37529 - 0
- 0
- 0
#43 opened by AntoineIN - 0
INSTAPY_FOLDER for windows
#42 opened by afattahi54 - 0
Statistics and Live Logs not showing anything
#41 opened by ddyugaev - 0
- 0
What are the correct install instructions? Running into issues.What are the correct install instructions? Running into issues.
#39 opened by Zettt - 8
Multiple Accounts and Databases
#20 opened by GaWr26 - 2
Statistic is not working on a remote machine
#38 opened by fadriPi - 1
Statistics data is not shown
#37 opened by Immelstorn - 5
Failed to compile
#35 opened by ejc - 3
- 9
Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
#18 opened by mheubaum - 10
Running on Raspberry Pi 3 through
#9 opened by tiaringhio - 3
General user statistics improvements
#33 opened by rosinbum - 1
Is this an error?
#32 opened by pedro639 - 4
No data showed on Ubuntu server 18.04
#31 opened by gagna - 9
Live Logs Doesn't Work
#12 opened by RaihanStark - 3
Publish to NPM
#30 opened by alex-grover - 1
User statistics is broken
#29 opened by Immelstorn - 2
problem with install in windows 10
#28 opened by m-f-rassoulnejad - 14
Live logs doesn't work
#25 opened by Immelstorn - 1
- 4
Not starting at remote Ubuntu
#23 opened by Laurent105 - 5
Does not show data
#14 opened by nicolomantini - 1
- 2
Not working with multiples DB
#22 opened by danielbeltejar - 3
Error running on Ubuntu
#21 opened by Javi4 - 13
Empty Dashboard
#2 opened by dkbast - 2
sqlite3 install fails on raspberry pi3
#19 opened by GaWr26 - 2
Where does all data stored?
#17 opened by dlenskyi - 2
Cannot run on Ubuntu 16.04
#16 opened by dlenskyi - 7
Cannot connect to database
#11 opened by mnda - 3
Can't Install on Linux (VPS)
#10 opened by RaihanStark - 5
intall command
#1 opened by aghili371 - 6
Not all data is being summerised
#4 opened by an0key - 3
Error: The package "react-emotion" has been replaced by "@emotion/styled" in version 10.
#5 opened by andreescocard - 9
- 1
Windows installation
#6 opened by HCWcoder - 1
npm install error on a RPI 3
#3 opened by andreescocard