
A Meteor tool for "unifying" collections, Meteor methods, schemas and transformations

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Meteor package is a tool for building "types". Select a Mongo collection, specify a schema, and a few other options such as an authentication function, and a constructor function is generated with many useful methods pre-loaded onto it (such as for generating publications and Meteor methods for adding/updating/removing with authentication baked in).

Table of Contents


This is available as convexset:collection-tools on Atmosphere. (Install with meteor add convexset:collection-tools.)

If you get an error message like:

WARNING: npm peer requirements not installed:
 - package-utils@^0.2.1 not installed.
Read more about installing npm peer dependencies:

It is because, by design, the package does not include instances of these from npm to avoid repetition. (In this case, meteor npm install --save package-utils will deal with the problem.)

See this or this for more information.

Now, if you see a message like

WARNING: npm peer requirements not installed:
underscore@1.5.2 installed, underscore@^1.8.3 needed

it is because you or something you are using is using Meteor's cruddy old underscore package. Install a new version from npm. (And, of course, you may use the npm version in a given scope via require("underscore").)

Usage: CollectionTools.build

Begin by calling:

ConstructorFunction = CollectionTools.build({
    collectionName: "Collection_Name",
    constructorName: "ConstructorName",

    // Whether to set "allow nothing deny everything" for collection
    setRestrictiveAllowDenyDefaults: true,

    // The schema in "SimpleSchema notation"
    // see: https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-simple-schema
    schema: {
        field1: {
            type: TypeOfField1,
        field2: {
            type: TypeOfField2,

    // additional extensions to the prototype
    prototypeExtension: {
        somePrototypeMethod: function() {
            // ...
        somePrototypeValue: 10
        // ...
    // Alternatively, if one wishes to use the constructor and/or collection:
    prototypeExtension: function(constructorFunction, collection) {
        return {
            getSimilar: function() {
                return collection.find({
                    thing: this.thing
            makeSibling: function(name) {
                return new constructorFunction({
                    name: name,
                    parent: this.parent,

    // additional extensions on the constructor
    constructorExtension: {
        someMethodSittingOnTheConstructor: function() {
            // ...
        someValueSittingOnTheConstructor: "Hello!"
        // ...
    // Alternatively, if one wishes to use the constructor and/or collection:
    constructorExtension: function(constructorFunction, collection) {
        return {
            getAll: function() {
                return collection.find(),
            makeTeam: function(n) {
                return _.range(n).map(idx => new constructorFunction({
                    name: "Member " + idx,

    // transformation for the collection
    // See: "transform option" on http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/mongo_collection
    // A plain object from the Mongo collection is passed in and "typically"
    //    a plain object should be returned. An empty object that is linked
    //    to the relevant prototype (in the sense of "new") will then be
    //    "extended" with the content of the former object returned by the
    //    transform.
    // The transform is called with the aforementioned "protolinked" instance
    //    as the calling context. This provides prototype methods. So do not use
    //    arrow functions if you want access to prototype methods.
    transform: x => x,

    // An authentication function for generated Meteor methods
    // It takes a userId and documentId (except for makePublication)
    // and should return true if authorized and false otherwise
    globalAuthFunction: (userId, documentId) => true,

    // ... alteratively, if the constructor and/or collection are needed to
    // construct the global auth function, the following is available, and will
    // be called to override any thing passed as globalAuthFunction
    // globalAuthFunction_fromConstructorAndCollection: (cf, col) => ((userId, documentId) => true)
    // it defaults to null

    // The default prefix for generated Meteor methods
    methodPrefix: "collections/collection-name/",

    // Default rate limiting parameters for publications and methods
    defaultRateLimit: 10, // (default: 10; null to not set)
    defaultRateLimitInterval: 1000, // (default: 1000; null to not set)

Instance Methods/Properties

  • validate(useCheck, ignoreOffSchemaFields): validates object
    • useCheck: whether to use check instead of SimpleSchema's ctx.validate (default: false)
    • ignoreOffSchemaFields: whether to ignore off-schema fields (default: false)

Constructor Methods


  • find, findOne, insert, update, upsert, remove from Mongo.Collection
  • fetch: essentially a find(/* args here */).fetch()
  • mongoTransform: returns the transform used in the attached Mongo.Collection
  • __logAll__(): log all items in attached collection

Schemas and Validation

  • schema: returns the relevant SimpleSchema object

  • schemaDescription: returns the relevant arguments used to create the SimpleSchema object

  • _schemaDescription: similar to schemaDescription, except '$' is replaced with '*' in the keys

  • getTypeInfo(fieldSpec): gets the type info for a field specific field (matches wildcards, so 'ratings.3.rating' would return the type info for 'ratings.$.rating')

  • getObjectWithDefaultValues(prefix = "", callConstructor = true): returns an object (or sub-object) with default values

    • use with no arguments for entire document
    • use with prefix to obtain default values for sub-objects or arrays (e.g.: xxx.getObjectWithDefaultValues('ratings.$.') where ratings is an array of objects)
    • does not call constructor if callConstructor is set to false
  • getModifiedSchema(altSchemaElements, tag): returns a "modified schema"

    • altSchemaElements (optional): schema elements to replace items in existing schema (Why would you ever want to use this? Someone asked me for this... Don't blame me.)
    • tag (optional): filters for items with tag in the subSchemaTags field of fields in the schema
  • getCheckableSchema(prefix): gets an plain javascript object description of a schema that can be used directly with check

    • use with no arguments for entire document
    • use with prefix to obtain default values for sub-objects or arrays (e.g.: xxx.getObjectWithDefaultValues('ratings.$') where ratings is an array of objects)
  • filterWithTopLevelSchema(o, call_functions, altSchemaElements, tag): construct modified schema (see getModifiedSchema above) and filter an object by that schema (top-level fields only)

    • o: the object
    • call_functions: if field takes a function value, replace with the return value of the function called with no parameters
    • altSchemaElements: see getModifiedSchema above
    • tag: see getModifiedSchema above

Generated Publications

  • publications: list of all generated publications
  • makePublication(pubName, options): creates a publication named pubName with the following options
    • unblock: whether to call this.unblock() via meteorhacks:unblock (default: false)
    • selector: selector (default: {})
    • selectOptions: selector options (default: {})
    • alternativeAuthFunction: authentication function mapping user id (this.userId) to a Boolean indicating whether the user is authorized (default: (userId) => true)
    • rateLimit: rate limiting count (default: null)
    • rateLimitInterval: rate limiting interval (default: null)
  • makePublication_getById(pubName, options): creates a publication named pubName that selects a document (documents)
    • unblock: whether to call this.unblock() via meteorhacks:unblock (default: false)
    • idField: name of the id field (default: _id)
    • selectOptions: selector options (default: {})
    • alternativeAuthFunction: authentication function mapping user id (this.userId or Meteor.userId()) and the document id to a Boolean indicating whether the user is authorized (default: (userId, docId) => true) this supersedes the global authentication function
    • rateLimit: rate limiting count (default: null)
    • rateLimitInterval: rate limiting interval (default: null)

Generated Methods

  • allMethods: list of all generated methods

  • addMethods: list of all generated "add methods"

  • updateMethods: list of all generated "update methods"

  • removeMethods: list of all generated "remove methods"

  • makeMethod_add(options): creates a method

    • unblock: whether to call this.unblock() (default: false)
    • entryPrefix: entry prefix of method (default: 'add')
    • field: the field in question; "" to add an entire document (default: "");
    • withParams: true to add an entire document/sub-document as provided; false to use default values (default: false),
    • alternativeAuthFunction: authentication function mapping user id (this.userId or Meteor.userId()) and the document id to a Boolean indicating whether the user is authorized (default: (userId, docId) => true) this supersedes the global authentication function
    • finishers: an array of functions to be called on operation completion, bound to an object with an object with the following content (default: []), see the corresponding element in CollectionTools.createMethod for more information.
    • serverOnly: define only on server if true (default: false)
    • rateLimit: rate limiting count (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)
    • rateLimitInterval: rate limiting interval (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)
  • makeMethod_remove(options): creates a removal method with signature function(id) (for removal of entire documents or unsetter of fields) or (function(id, idx) for arrays)

    • unblock: whether to call this.unblock() (default: false)
    • entryPrefix: entry prefix of method (default: 'remove')
    • field: "" for removal of an entire document; for fields that are specified and are arrays, the method takes an additional parameter (the index) and removes an array element, otherwise, the entire field is unset (default: "")
    • alternativeAuthFunction: authentication function mapping user id (this.userId or Meteor.userId()) and the document id to a Boolean indicating whether the user is authorized (default: (userId, docId) => true) this supersedes the global authentication function
    • finishers: an array of functions to be called on operation completion, bound to an object with an object with the following content (default: []), see the corresponding element in CollectionTools.createMethod for more information.
    • serverOnly: define only on server if true (default: false)
    • rateLimit: rate limiting count (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)
    • rateLimitInterval: rate limiting interval (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)
  • makeMethod_updater(options): creates generic field-specific updaters with signature function(id, value, ...args)

    • unblock: whether to call this.unblock() (default: false)
    • entryName: entry name (default: 'general-update')
    • alternativeAuthFunction: authentication function mapping user id (this.userId or Meteor.userId()) and the document id to a Boolean indicating whether the user is authorized (default: (userId, docId) => true) this supersedes the global authentication function
    • finishers: an array of functions to be called on operation completion, bound to an object with an object with the following content (default: []), see the corresponding element in CollectionTools.createMethod for more information.
    • serverOnly: define only on server if true (default: false)
    • rateLimit: rate limiting count (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)
    • rateLimitInterval: rate limiting interval (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)
  • makeGenericMethod_updaters(options): creates top-level generic field-specific updaters with signature function(id, value, ...args) (see makeMethod_updater above) with the following options

    • unblock: whether to call this.unblock() (default: false)
    • entryPrefix: prefix for methods
    • alternativeAuthFunction: authentication function mapping user id (this.userId or Meteor.userId()) and the document id to a Boolean indicating whether the user is authorized (default: (userId, docId) => true) this supersedes the global authentication function
    • finishers: an array of functions to be called on operation completion, bound to an object with an object with the following content (default: []), see the corresponding element in CollectionTools.createMethod for more information.
    • serverOnly: define only on server if true (default: false)
    • rateLimit: rate limiting count (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)
    • rateLimitInterval: rate limiting interval (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)
    • considerFieldsByName: fields to consider for inclusion (e.g.: "friends.$"); exclusion via excludeFieldsByName takes precedence excludeFieldsByFieldPrefix
    • considerFieldsByFieldPrefix: field prefixes to consider for inclusion (e.g.: "friends.$" includes for consideration fields like "friends.$.name" and "friends.$.particulars.name"); exclusion via excludeFieldsByName takes precedence excludeFieldsByFieldPrefix
    • If neither considerFieldsByName nor considerFieldsByFieldPrefix are specified, then all fields are considered
    • excludeFieldsByName: fields to exclude (e.g.: "friends.$")
    • excludeFieldsByFieldPrefix: fields to exclude (e.g.: "friends.$" excludes fields like "friends.$.name" and "friends.$.particulars.name")
    • primitiveTypesOnly: include only primitive types (String, Boolean, Number) (default: false)
    • primitiveTypesIncludesDate: include Date among primitive types (default: false)
  • makeMethods_generalUpdater(options): creates a monolithic updater for a document with the signature function(id, updates)

    • unblock: whether to call this.unblock() (default: false)
    • entryName: entry name (default: 'general-update')
    • alternativeAuthFunction: authentication function mapping user id (this.userId or Meteor.userId()) and the document id to a Boolean indicating whether the user is authorized (default: (userId, docId) => true) this supersedes the global authentication function
    • finishers: an array of functions to be called on operation completion, bound to an object with an object with the following content (default: []), see the corresponding element in CollectionTools.createMethod for more information.
    • serverOnly: define only on server if true (default: false)
    • rateLimit: rate limiting count (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)
    • rateLimitInterval: rate limiting interval (set to 0 to not apply rate limiting; leave unset to use "type-level" defaults)

Other Utility Methods


See inline comments

    name: "some-method-name",

    // schema in SimpleSchema format
    schema: {
        _id: {
            type: String,
            regEx: /^[0-9a-zA-Z]{17,24}$/
        field2: {
            type: TypeOfField2,

    // Authentication check function
    // a function that takes a user id (via this.userId) and returns true if
    // authorized and false otherwise
    authenticationCheck: () => true,  // (userId) => true,
    // a string or function that maps (options, userId) to the unautorized use message 
    unauthorizedMessage: (opts, userId) => "unauthorized for " + userId + ": " + opts.name,
    // unauthorizedMessage: "unauthorized",

    // the method body
    method: function removeItem(_id) {
        return SomeCollection.remove(_id);

    // whether to use "rest arguments"  (default: `false`)
    useRestArgs: false,

    // finishers: an array of functions to be called on operation completion
    // each function will be bound to an object with an object with the
    // following content (default: `[]`),
    //  - `context`: the `this` of the Meteor method context
    //  - `args`: arguments passed into method
    //  - `result`: return code of method

    // if true, will define method only on server
    serverOnly: false,

    // Rate limiting parameters for publications and methods
    rateLimit: 10,            // (default: 10; null to not set)
    rateLimitInterval: 1000,  // (default: 1000; null to not set)