
Sample application of the integration between Zend Framework and Twitter oAuth.

This is a small examples to retrieve user time line data (user_timeline) from Twitter Api 1.1 based on Zend Framework (I am using Zend Framework 1.12.3 here).

There are two types of examples.

1. Widget Type

It is inconvenient to redirect to Twitter page to authorise in certain applications like a widget. To skip the oAuth authorisation procedure, you can generate an access token and an access token secret in advance, and access Twitter Api using Zend_Service_Twitter.

2. Normal oAuth Type

This is normal procedure. First, get a request token to Twitter, redirect a user to Twitter to authorise an application, and retrieve an access token. Based on the access token, retrieve user time line data using Zend_Oauth libraries.

How to get started

Widget Type

Sample File

  • widget.php
  • _application/configs/app.ini

Before start

  1. Log in Twitter and register your application.

  2. Create your access token in Details tab. See here in details.

  3. Once you create access token and access token secret, rename _application/configs/app-sample.ini to _application/configs/app.ini and copy and paste access token, access token secret, consumer key and consumer secret to oauth.accessToken, oauth.accessTokenSecret, oauth.consumerKey, and oauth.consumerSecret in app.ini.

  4. Get the Twitter User ID you want to get the data from. If you don't know what your Twitter User ID is, access gettwitterid.com and find it out.

  5. Copy your Twitter User ID and paste it to user_id in app.ini. Also, if you want to manage the number of entries you want to get at once, change count value in app.ini.

Example Usage

// Get Twitter Timeline Data
$accessToken = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Access();

$twitter = new Zend_Service_Twitter(array(
    'accessToken'  => $accessToken,
    'oauthOptions' => array(
        'consumerKey'    => $twitterIni->oauth->consumerKey,
        'consumerSecret' => $twitterIni->oauth->consumerSecret
$response    = $twitter->statusesUserTimeline(array('user_id' => $twitterIni->userId, 'count' => $twitterIni->userId));
$twitterData = $response->toValue();

Normal oAuth Type

Sample File

  • request_token.php
  • callback.php
  • _application/configs/app.ini

Before start

  1. Log in Twitter and register your application.

  2. Rname _application/configs/app-sample.ini to _application/configs/app.ini and copy and paste your consumer key and consumer secret to oauth.consumerKey and oauth.consumerSecret in app.ini. (_application/configs/app.ini).

  3. Assign a callback URL in the Settings Tab and copy and paste it to oauth.redirectUrl in app.ini. See here

  4. Get the Twitter User ID you want to get the data from. If you don't know what your Twitter User ID is, access gettwitterid.com and find it out.

  5. Copy your Twitter User ID and paste it to user_id in app.ini. Also, if you want to manage the number of entries you want to get at once, change count value in app.ini.

Example Usage (Request Token)

// Request Token
$config = array(
    'callbackUrl'     => $twitterIni->oauth->redirectUrl,
    'requestScheme'   => Zend_Oauth::REQUEST_SCHEME_HEADER,
    'signatureMethod' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
    'siteUrl'         => $twitterIni->oauth->siteUrl,
    'consumerKey'     => $twitterIni->oauth->consumerKey,
    'consumerSecret'  => $twitterIni->oauth->consumerSecret
$consumer = new Zend_Oauth_Consumer($config);
$token    = $consumer->getRequestToken();
$_SESSION['TWITTER_REQUEST_TOKEN'] = serialize($token);

Example Usage (Request Data with Access Token)

// Get Timeline Data
$config = array(
    'callbackUrl'     => $twitterIni->oauth->redirectUrl,
    'siteUrl'         => $twitterIni->oauth->siteUrl,
    'consumerKey'     => $twitterIni->oauth->consumerKey,
    'consumerSecret'  => $twitterIni->oauth->consumerSecret

$token = unserialize($_SESSION['TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN']);
$client = $token->getHttpClient($config);
$client->setParameterGet('user_id', $twitterIni->userId);
$response = $client->request();

if($response->isSuccessful()) {
    if(strlen($response->getBody()) > 0) {
        $twitterData = Zend_Json::decode($response->getBody());

        // Assign this variable to view or filter for something.