
Primary LanguageJavaScript

NODE 6 required!

npm + bower

npm install && bower install

bundle gems

gem install bundler
bundle install
git add Gemfile Gemfile.lock


You should be inside folder {projectroot}/generator-seatgen

  • Generate a timeview with partial
    yo seatgen:timeview --name app/view/layout/FooterTest --partial layout

  • Generate a view with partial
    yo seatgen:view --name app/view/layout/FooterTest --partial layout

  • Generate a class with partial
    yo seatgen:class app/controller/InitialLoadController

  • Create a subgenerator
    yo generator:subgenerator timeview


The python files updateMain.py and updateLoadFiles.py generates filepaths automatically when grunt-watch toggle and updates the files Main.coffee and InitialLoadController.coffee respectively.


Tutorial from http://codyhouse.co/gem/animate-svg-icons-with-css-and-snap/

  • Clean the svg as the tutorial
  • Add it to www/svg
  • Pass it to the scope and inject it in you HTML with mustache
    <span class="name-btn svg-btn">{{{lineArrowBtn}}}</span>
  • And style it in the _ui.scss