Name : Ridho Akbarisanto Email :

-- bin folder -- put DropboxAndRidho.apk in your Android and Install it

-- src folder --

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Import Project in folder src/examples/DropboxAndRidho
  3. Run it in your android

-- Application (with internet) --

  1. Login to your Dropbox by Click the "Login to Dropbox" button
  2. Fill in your Username and Password
  3. Allow the application to access your dropbox
  4. Click Browse Button to Browse All of your files
  5. Click New Picture to Upload a new picture
  6. The uploaded picture wont directly be shown in list of files, click browse first
  7. You can click the filename in list of files to show it in the Image Preview
  8. Click Logout to logout from your dropbox

-- Application (without internet) --

  1. You can only browse the cached

Thank you :)