
Undergraduate Year 3 Group Dissertation - "UGenie", a Chatbot made for the University of Glasgow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CS01 - Virtual Assistant for UofG's External Relations  UGenie's face

This software engineering project is to create a virtual assistant / chatbot that will help answer the increasing volume of application and course enquiries at the University of Glasgow's External Relations Directorate.

Our application consists of:

  • an interface for users to interact with the chatbot (Flask + socketio)
  • connected to a Natural Language Understanding unit (RASA)
  • which makes queries to a free-text search engine (Elasticsearch)

Set up

  • Download a release of UGenie, which should include a data archive and a model archive
    • models.zip contains a trained instance of the bot
      • it should be decompressed in chat-service/agent-data/ to create the path chat-service/agent-data/models
    • data.zip contains the client-provided university data
      • it should be decompressed in elastic-db/ to create the path elastic-db/data

Launching with Docker

This is easier for direct interaction with the bot and dependency setup.

docker-compose up --build

This should populate the database when launching. The bot should then be running at localhost:5000

Manuel dependency setup

How to get yourself set up with dependencies manually, for development:

pip install rasa_core
pip install rasa_nlu[spacy]
python -m spacy download en
pip install -r requirements.txt # socket.io + elasticsearch wrapper + xlrd

N.B. Python should be 3.6+. RASA installation is done in steps because it is a heavy package, and linking the spaCy english model only works this way.

Elasticsearch also needs to be installed and ran as a background process:

  • with Docker
docker-compose up elastic
  • Installing manually

Installation varies quite a bit depending on OS, please look through the official Elastic reference for instructions!

Launching after setup
make populate # populate elastic with the data from data.zip
make train # not necessary if the models.zip was downloaded and nothing has been changed
make run

The bot should then be running at localhost:5000
N.B.: if chat logs become excessive, run make clean f=[filename] to zip them up!

Interacting with the bot

Here are some questions you can ask UGenie:

  • How can you help me?
  • Can you redirect me to a human?
  • What does [acronym] mean?
  • What is [course] about?
  • What are the English requirements for [course]?
  • Does [course] run part-time/full-time?
  • What [category] courses are there?
  • What [category] courses are there in [month]?
  • What [category] courses are there on [weekday]?
  • How much is [course/short course]?
  • What building is [short course] in?
  • What time is [short course] at?
  • Who teaches [short course]?
  • What other courses does [tutor] teach?
  • Are there credits attached to [course]?
  • Do you have a link for [short course]?
  • Is there funding available for short courses?
  • Can I cancel my course?
  • Can I get a refund?
  • Can I transfer courses?