This example was created to show how to use the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js to read and write a file to an attached S3 managed service.
A Cloud Foundry based hosting location which has access to the S3 service
Setup s3 service in the organization/space
cf create-service s3 basic-public cf-nodejs-s3-example-s3
Push the sample applicaiton to the organization/space
cf push cf-nodejs-s3-example --health-check-type none
Once deployed, tail the log file of the application
cf logs cf-nodejs-s3-example --recent
Use web application endpoint to create/upload file to s3
-- this should provide a https hyperlink to the s3 file
- If needed by your Cloud Foundry provider - delete the test file from s3 (i.e. clear the bucket)
- Delete the application
cf delete cf-nodejs-s3-example
- Remove the s3 instance
cf delete-service cf-nodejs-s3-example-s3