func TestSomthing(t *testing.T) {
//Creating Assert object by passing *testing.T to NewAssert function
//Then *testing.T will be an anonymous pointer field of the Assert object
assert := assrt.NewAssert(t)
//All method's of *testing.T will be included.
assert.Log("testing started")
err := someMethodReturnsError()
//assert err is nil, or fail the test
err := anotherError()
//assert methods began with "Must" will call t.FailNow() and quit testing
//if assertion failed
//Equal may convert the value to it's underlying value and cast the value to the largest container before compare.
//All int kind value like "int, int32, int 64, uin8, uit16, uint64" will convert to int64
//float32 type will convert to float64
//It can also compare struct and slice by calling "reflect.DeepEqual()" internally.
type A int16
type B uint32
var a A = 1
var b B = 1
assert.Equal(a, b) // assertion pass
slice := []string{"a","b","c"}
//you can pass optional log messages in assert methods, if not provided, assert will log
//default messages.
assert.PositiveLen(slice, "slice should be positive")