🚒 WebSocket API for Finnish rescue service events
The server will publish all new events as they happen to all WebSocket clients currently connected to /websocket/
. Events are serialized in the following format using JSON:
"type": "palohälytys",
"location": "Harjavalta",
"time": "2020-04-15T18:57:00+02:00",
"description": "15.04.2020 18:57:00 Harjavalta/Harjavalta palohälytys"
The latest event is always published to all WebSocket clients when they connect.
Start the server:
go run cmd/server/server.go --host localhost --port 8000
Or use Docker:
docker build -t catastrophe .
docker run -d catastrophe
And then you can connect a WebSocket client using JavaScript for example:
const socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000/websocket")
socket.onmessage = (msg) => console.log(msg);
To run all tests:
go test ./...
I wrote this service mainly to experiment with Go. If you're interested in a more thorough service with an actual database layer, as well as a REST API, then take a look at rescue-events-api.