
SpringBoot Kotlin Project examples

Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin Rest API in Spring-boot, Spring-Data, H2 In-Memory DB

  • This demo project explains REST API development with Kotlin and Spring Boot.

  • Integration Tests are written using ZeroCode TDD framework

As Kotlin does the things in less code, so naturally a test framework needed to do the job in less code(almost zero code)

Kotlin gradle dependencies


Step 1: Building the Application

We will build the application to generate application jar. Integration test cases are skipped because integration tests would expect app is running, so building app first without tests, running the app and then executing integration tests.

gradle clean build -x test


mvn clean install -DskipTests

Gradle Build Kotlin

Step 2: Running the application


Run from IDE (Right click and run as main):



Open a new git bash and go to the build/libs folder for gadle or /target folder for maven. Run below command to run the application

java -jar SpringBootKotlinRestAPI-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Verify the application by accessing below url directly from browser http://localhost:5000/parkrun/

Verify app running

Step 3: How to Run Integration Test Cases?

Running the gradle task named "integrationTests". This will run all the test cases defined under this gradle task.

gradle integrationTests or

mvn surefire:test


Gradle Test Run

Where is the Integration Test Report?

Integration Test report and logs are generated under folder /target/

Test Report

Test Report Dashboard

Explore other end points

GET - http://localhost:5000/parkrun/runners

POST - http://localhost:5000/parkrun/runners

Sample request body:

        "firstName": "Andy",
        "lastName": "Tey",
        "gender": "M",
        "runningClub": "Swindon"

GET - http://localhost:5000/parkrun/runners/2

DELETE - http://localhost:5000/parkrun/runners/2

A POSt call sample looks like below-


  "headers" : {
    "Accept" : "application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8"
  "body" : {
    "firstName" : "Andy",
    "lastName" : "Terris",
    "gender" : "M",
    "runningClub" : "Nanwitch"

  "status" : 201,
  "headers" : {
    "Date" : [ "Fri, 16 Nov 2018 15:27:55 GMT" ],
    "Transfer-Encoding" : [ "chunked" ],
    "Location" : [ "http://localhost:8080/parkrun/runners/5" ],
    "Content-Type" : [ "application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8" ]
  "body" : {
    "firstName" : "Andy",
    "lastName" : "Terris",
    "gender" : "M",
    "runningClub" : "Nanwitch",
    "totalRuns" : "0",
    "_links" : {
      "self" : {
        "href" : "http://localhost:8080/parkrun/runners/5"
      "parkRunner" : {
        "href" : "http://localhost:8080/parkrun/runners/5"

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