
A tool for converting SVG icons to wechat miniprogram components.

Primary LanguagePython


A tool for converting SVG icons to wechat miniprogram components. Besides, there're some open source icons that I have converted in the dist directory. Feel free to use them.



  1. Create sub folder with project name in svg-icons.
  2. Create sub folders with icon's type name like filled, outline and sharp etc.
  3. Put SVG files into the right folders.
  4. Execute python Convert.py to generate wechat miniprogram component.
  5. Copy the component in the dist folder to your wechat miniprogram project.


  1. svg-icons目录下建一个子目录,可以用开源icon项目的名称命名,比如eva-icon, fontawesome等。
  2. 然后在项目文件夹下建立filled, outline, sharp等文件夹,用来放不同风格的icon文件。
  3. 把想要转换的svg文件放到对应的文件夹里。
  4. 执行python Convert.py即可。
  5. dist目录下找到生成好的组件复制到小程序项目即可使用。