
Trace Ports Programatically through a Simulink Design

Primary LanguageMatlab


Trace Ports Programatically through a Simulink Design

Unlink the built in commands, simulink-port-trace will expand busses and find the driver for each signal in the bus.

The user can specify the blocks to stop the trace on. The result returned is a table showing the location of the final source/sink the trace ended on.

The end goal for my particular application was to automatically generate a table that described where the inputs/outputs of my block were being driven from in the design

Below is an example use case:

stopBlocks.type   = {
    'Constant', ...
    'Constant', ...
    'Inport', ...
stopBlocks.parent = {
    'tb_dig_top/dig_top_1720/dig_rtl/volitile', ...
    'tb_dig_top/dig_top_1720/dig_rtl/eeprom', ...
    'tb_dig_top/dig_top_1720', ...

sp = SystemPortTrace(stopBlocks);
sp.verbose = 0;