
Secure wp-login.php and virtually elimiate brute-force attacks

Primary LanguagePHP

Wordpress wp-login security

This technique will block all HTTP POST requests to wp-login.php while still allowing users to log in normally.

This technique should not be relied upon as the sole source of security for the Wordpress admin panel as it is simply security through obscurity. Using strong passwords and implementing a monitoring/intrusion detection system should also be part of any site's repertoire.

Theory of Operation

Wordpress logins are normally handled through wp-login.php. When a user points their browser to wp-login.php, they are presented with a form that will POST to the same file. When a POST request is received, Wordpress fires up its authentication mechanism to attempt to authenticate the user. Brute force attacks usually bypass the GET request and instead send one or more POST requests to wp-login.php.

This technique will block all POST requests to wp-login.php. Normally this would make it impossible for trusted users to log in to Wordpress, however this technique changes the login form to POST to a separate file. This separate file is a simple PHP include call, so all of Wordpress' normal authentication logic stays intact. Since credentials are only accepted via POST (see the first few lines of the wp_signon() function in wp-includes/user.php and how it gets called in wp-login.php) and not GET, this has no effect on the login form itself.

This technique has the added benefit of reducing server load since most requests will be rejected instead of running queries on the database.


A very effective way to combat brute force attacks without modifying Wordpress is with basic or digest access authentication. Bots will always receive a 401 Not Authorized unless they supply the correct credentials. However, this method is cumbersome and potentially confusing as the user(s) need to remember another set of credentials.

There are also plugins that use time-based restrictions (e.g. no logins are permitted between 1am and 5am).


Add this to your theme's functions.php:

add_filter('site_url', function($url, $path, $scheme, $blog_id) {
	if($scheme == 'login_post')
		return str_replace('wp-login.php', 'wp-login2.php', $url);
	return $url;
}, 10, 4);

Create a new file wp-login2.php and add the following contents:

include 'wp-login.php';

And .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} wp-login.php
RewriteRule ^ / [F]

If you have access to your site's httpd.conf, place the above lines in that file instead.

Additional Considerations

A determined hacker (or one paying attention to their log files) will undoubtly notice that all of their requests are being rejected. Inspecting the HTML of the login page will make it immediately apparent that requests are being sent to wp-login2.php so the hacker can simply update their script to point to that file.

One way to combat this is to dynamically change the URL to POST to. The filename could be a function based on the date and time or some other means in which the next name is not easily guessable. However, even this isn't foolproof as a determined hacker can easily scrape the contents of the login page to find the current filename. Still, it can help curb the amount (or at least the rate) of attacks from semi-determined hackers.


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