IPFS Operator

This operator is still heavily in progress.


This operator can be deployed either with or without OLM installed.

With OLM

operator-sdk run bundle quay.io/redhat-et-ipfs/ipfs-operator-bundle:v0.0.1 -n ipfs-operator-system

Without OLM

make deploy

Deploying an IPFS cluster

The value for URL must be changed to match your Kubernetes environment. The public bool defines if a load balancer should be created. This load balancer allows for ipfs gets to be done from systems outside of the Kubernetes environment.

apiVersion: cluster.ipfs.io/v1alpha1
kind: Ipfs
  name: ipfs-sample-1
  url: apps.jephilli-4-11-04-28-0655.devcluster.openshift.com 
  ipfsStorage: 2Gi
  clusterStorage: 2Gi
  public: true

Once the values match your environment run the following.

kubectl create -n default -f ifps.yaml