Scribe, Submariner, and ACM

Two clusters have already been created before beginning this scenario. The primary cluster has also been added into ACM.

Perform all of the steps with the KUBECONFIG for the ACM server exported.

Deploying our Application

We will deploy a Dokuwiki application. A HAProxy load balancer is used to pass traffic between primary and failover clusters.

oc create -f acm-app-configuration

Scribe components

Deploy scribe components first. Scribe is installed on all OpenShift clusters.

oc create -f acm-scribe-deployment-configuration

Failover cluster import

From the UI import the failover cluster. Add the labels of site=failover and purpose=dokuwiki.


Scribe will automatically be installed. We need to define the replication destination.

oc create -f acm-replication-configuration/scribe-rsync-failover-acm-configuration/


Copy the secret and the clusterIP. Scrub out all of the extra metadata.

vi rsync-replication/source-rsync/scribe-rsync-dest-src-database-destination.yaml
oc get secret scribe-rsync-dest-src-database-destination -n dokuwiki -o yaml > rsync-replication/source-rsync/scribe-rsync-dest-src-database-destination.yaml

Create the replication source

We need to define the replication source.

oc create -f acm-replication-configuration/scribe-rsync-primary-acm-configuration/

Verify replication

Export the kubeconfig of the failover cluster and show volumesnapshots.

oc get volumesnapshot -n dokuwiki

Remove label

Remove the label purpose=dokuwiki from the primary cluster. This will cause the application to failover to the other cluster