Tool written in Python to download tracks from SoundCloud.

Primary LanguagePython


Tool written in Python to download tracks from SoundCloud.
First build. Please report any issues. Windows binaries

Supported Media

Type URL example
Album/playlist https://soundcloud.com/x/sets/x
Artist albums https://soundcloud.com/x/albums
Artist tracks https://soundcloud.com/x/tracks
Track https://soundcloud.com/x/x https://soundcloud.com/x/x?in=x/sets/x
User likes https://soundcloud.com/you/likes
Type Availability
64 Kbps Opus Sometimes.
128 Kbps MP3 Always.
256 Kbps AAC Sometimes, Go+ req.
WAV, FLAC etc (download button) Sometimes.


  1. Put FFmpeg binary (win64, gpl) in SC-DL's folder.
  2. Fill in config.json (any specified CLI arguments will override these).
  3. Dump cookies using chrome_cookies.py/chrome_cookies_x86.exe for Chrome or firefox_cookies.py/firefox_cookies_x86.exe for Firefox (login first). You can also use a browser extension such as EditThisCookie (cookies file must be named "cookies.txt" and in Netscape format).
  4. Call it with your args via Command Prompt. sc-dl.py/sc-dl_x86.exe -u <media url>

Usage Examples

Download a single track.
sc-dl.py/sc-dl_x86.exe -u https://soundcloud.com/pauloakenfold/paul-oakenfold-tranceport

Download all user albums.
sc-dl.py/sc-dl_x86.exe -u https://soundcloud.com/pauloakenfold/albums

Download from two lists and all user likes.
sc-dl.py/sc-dl_x86.exe -u E:/urls.txt E:/urls_2.txt https://soundcloud.com/you/likes

You can mix all media types. Duplicate URLs and text files will be filtered.

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usage: sc-dl.py [-h] -u URLS [URLS ...] [-q {1,2,3,4}] [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-t TEMPLATE] [-k]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URLS [URLS ...], --urls URLS [URLS ...]
                        Multiple links or text file filenames / paths.
  -q {1,2,3,4}, --quality {1,2,3,4}
                        1: 64kbps Opus, 2: 128 Kbps MP3, 3: 256 Kbps AAC, 4: best/download.
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Output path. Double up backslashes or use single forward slashes for Windows.
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        Naming template for track filenames.
  -k, --keep-cover      Keep cover in album folder.