
An extensible application for penetration testers and software developers to decode/encode data into various formats.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Decoder++ Logo

An extensible application for penetration testers and software developers to decode/encode data into various formats.


Decoder++ can be either installed by using pip or by pulling the source from this repository:

# Install using pip
pip3 install decoder-plus-plus


This section provides you with an overview about the individual ways of interacting with Decoder++. For additional usage information check out the Advanced Usage section.

Graphical User Interface

If you prefer a graphical user interface to transform your data Decoder++ gives you two choices: a main-window-mode and a dialog-mode.

Decoder++ Screenshot

While the main-window-mode supports tabbing, the dialog-mode has the ability to return the transformed content to stdout ready for further processing. This comes quite in handy if you want to call Decoder++ from other tools like BurpSuite (check out the BurpSuite Send-to extension) or any other script in which you want to add a graphical user interface for flexible transformation of any input.

Decoder++ Screenshot

Command Line

If you don't want to startup a graphical user interface but still make use of the various transformation methods of Decoder++ you can use the commandline mode:

$ dpp -e base64 -h sha1 "Hello, world!"


  • User Interfaces:
    • Graphical User Interface
    • Command Line Interface
  • Preinstalled Scripts and Codecs:
    • Encode/Decode: Base16, Base32, Base64, Base64 (URL-safe), Binary, Gzip, Hex, Html, JWT, HTTP64, Octal, Url, Url+, Zlib
    • Hashing: Adler-32, Apache-Md5, CRC32, FreeBSD-NT, Keccak224, Keccak256, Keccak384, Keccak512, LM, Md2, Md4, Md5, NT, PHPass, RipeMd160, Sha1, Sha3 224, Sha3 256, Sha3 384, Sha3 512, Sha224, Sha256, Sha348, Sha512, Sun Md5
    • Scripts: CSS-Minify, Caesar, Filter-Lines, Identify File Format, Identify Hash Format, JS-Beautifier, JS-to-XML, JQ, JSONPath, HTML-Beautifier, Little/Big-Endian Transform, Reformat Text, Remove Newlines, Remove Whitespaces, Search and Replace, Split and Rejoin, Unescape/Escape String, XPath
  • Smart-Decode
  • Plugin System
  • Load & Save Current Session
  • Platforms:
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • MAC

Advanced Usage

This section provides you with additional information about how the command line interface can be used.

Command Line Interface

The commandline interface gives you easy access to all available codecs.

To list them you can use the -l argument. To narrow down your search the -l argument accepts additional parameters which are used as filter:

$ dpp -l base enc

Codec                 Type
-----                 ----
base16                encoder
base32                encoder
base64                encoder

Decoder++ distinguishes between encoders, decoders, hashers and scripts. Like the graphical user interface the command line interface allows you to use multiple codecs in a row:

$ dpp "H4sIAAXmeVsC//NIzcnJ11Eozy/KSVEEAObG5usNAAAA" -d base64 -d gzip
Hello, world!

While encoders, decoders and hashers can be used right away, some of the scripts may require additional configuration. To show all available options of a specific script you can add the help parameter:

$ dpp "Hello, world!" -s split_and_rejoin help

Split & Rejoin

             Name  Value  Group            Required  Description
             ----  -----  -----            --------  -----------
   split_by_chars         split_behaviour  yes       the chars used at which to split the text
  split_by_length  0      split_behaviour  yes       the length used at which to split the text
rejoin_with_chars                          yes       the chars used to join the splitted text

To configure a specific script you need to supply the individual options as name-value pairs (e.g. search_term="Hello"):

$ dpp "Hello, world!" -s search_and_replace search_term="Hello" replace_term="Hey"
Hey, world!

Plugin Development

To add custom codecs just copy them into the $HOME/.config/dpp/plugins/ folder.

from dpp.core.plugin.abstract_plugin import DecoderPlugin

class Plugin(DecoderPlugin):
    Possible plugins are DecoderPlugin, EncoderPlugin, HasherPlugin, ScriptPlugin or IdentifyPlugin.
    See AbstractPlugin or it's implementations for more information.

    def __init__(self, context):
        plugin_name = "URL"
        plugin_author = "Your Name"
        # Python Libraries which are required to be able to execute the run method of this plugin.
        plugin_requirements = ["urllib"]
        super().__init__(plugin_name, plugin_author, plugin_requirements, context)

    def run(self, text):
        # Load the required libraries here ...
        import urllib.parse
        # Run your action ...
        return urllib.parse.unquote(text)


Feel free to open a new ticket for feature requests or bugs. Also don't hesitate to issue a pull-request for new features/plugins.

Thanks to

  • Tim Menapace (RIPEMD160, KECCAK256)
  • Robin Krumnow (ROT13)


Signals are not working on Mac OS

When starting Decoder++ in Mac OS signals are not working.

This might happen when PyQt5 is installed using homebrew. To fix this issue it is recommended to install the libdbus-1 library. See http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/osx-issues.html#d-bus-and-macos for more information regarding this issue.

Can not start Decoder++ in Windows using CygWin

When starting Decoder++ in CygWin an error occurs:

  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5'

This happens although PyQt5 is installed using pip. Currently there is no fix for that. Instead it is recommended to start Decoder++ using the Windows command line.

No Module PyQt5.sig

When starting Decoder++ the error No module named 'PyQt5.sig' is displayed on the console. This may happen when there are competing versions of PyQt5 installed. Reinstalling PyQt5 should fix this error.

$ sudo pip3 uninstall PyQt5  
$ sudo pip3 install PyQt5

Inspired By

  • PortSwigger's Burp Decoder

Powered By

  • PyQt5
  • QtAwesome