
Basic set of terraform projects to be used as companion for knowlege sharing sessions / blog posts or whenever the goal is to teach or share about terraform.

Primary LanguageHCL

!!! Warning: This is a work in progress, and should be used as a companion for a knowledge sharing session or blog post series not existing yet. This Repository will be updated as it evolves.

Terraform 101

This repo has the objective of guiding new terraform users into understanding the basic funcionality of terraform as well as some important basic concepts such as:

  • Terraform basic structure and commands
  • The terraform provider
  • The terraform state
  • The terraform remote backend
  • The issues of using basic structure in multiple environments
  • The concept of terraform modules
    • Local modules
    • Modules hosted in terraform registry / Git repositories
  • Keeping code DRY with terragrunt


Each directory has example code related with the topic and a README file with instructions and exercices to do.

Recommended learning resources:

  1. https://blog.gruntwork.io/why-we-use-terraform-and-not-chef-puppet-ansible-saltstack-or-cloudformation-7989dad2865c
  2. https://blog.gruntwork.io/an-introduction-to-terraform-f17df9c6d180
  3. https://blog.gruntwork.io/how-to-manage-terraform-state-28f5697e68fa
  4. https://blog.gruntwork.io/how-to-create-reusable-infrastructure-with-terraform-modules-25526d65f73d
  5. https://blog.gruntwork.io/terraform-tips-tricks-loops-if-statements-and-gotchas-f739bbae55f9
  6. https://blog.gruntwork.io/how-to-use-terraform-as-a-team-251bc1104973
  7. https://blog.gruntwork.io/terragrunt-how-to-keep-your-terraform-code-dry-and-maintainable-f61ae06959d8

Yevgeniy Brikman (@brikis89): Terraform up & Running

