I found a hack that could change securly. (only for securly)
just copy the code from script.js and then go to securly.com and then double tap on your moving mouse pad thingy and it will say "Inspect" at the bottom of the list then you want to click console and then paste the code into the console when your on securly.com and hit enter. It should then have a button if so click it ONE TIME then you can close it and get to play anything you want
NOTICE: I came up with this idea and I am very smart if anyone claims or states that this was there idea i will prove them wrong and i have date and time stamps on when this was created. NOTICE2: Your actions doesn't effect me do this at your own responsibilty.
🔭 I’m currently working on School Hacks Webpage
🌱 I’m currently learning Javascript, HTML, and CSS
🤝 I’m looking for help with Enabling admin blocked extensions on the chrome web store
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/coolbro12371
📫 How to reach me: NO MORE EMAILS PLEASE
⚡ Fun fact I am smarter at technology than you might think