IPL First innings score predictor, a machine learning web app created with Flask on Heroku platform.
This is a flask web app which predicts the first inning score of Indian Premier League(IPL) with the help of Rgeressor model. The dataset is taken from https://github.com/codophobia/CricketScorePredictor . It contains the score made on each ball of the matches played in IPL from 2008 to 2017. This project helps the fantasy cricket fans out there.
This project is divided into two parts:
- Trained a Machine Learning model using Regressor Models.
- Deployed the model using Flask on Heroku Platform.
pip install -r requirements.txt
• Consider venue as one of the aspect while creating a model.
• Add columns of the striker and non striker batsman who is playing at that moment.
• Implement this problem statement using Deep Learning(ANN).
Any questions can be directed to nbansal1_be18@thapar.edu.