
IPL First innings score predictor, a machine learning web app created with Flask on Heroku platform.


This is a flask web app which predicts the first inning score of Indian Premier League(IPL) with the help of Rgeressor model. The dataset is taken from https://github.com/codophobia/CricketScorePredictor . It contains the score made on each ball of the matches played in IPL from 2008 to 2017. This project helps the fantasy cricket fans out there.

Technical Aspect:

This project is divided into two parts:

  1. Trained a Machine Learning model using Regressor Models.
  2. Deployed the model using Flask on Heroku Platform.




pip install -r requirements.txt

Future Scope

• Consider venue as one of the aspect while creating a model.

• Add columns of the striker and non striker batsman who is playing at that moment.

• Implement this problem statement using Deep Learning(ANN).


Any questions can be directed to nbansal1_be18@thapar.edu.