Welcome to Fight Club

This is a Command Line Interface game where you can fight with the Robot.

How to Play

Each Capital alphabet is containing a Punch (either from gammer or from robot). You need to enter the alphabet to fight with.

Before Play,

You need to install

  • Java8 or more
  • Maven 3 or more
  • Redis 3.2.8 or more

You need to configure

  • use redis.conf to start your redis
  • Set the Application specification configuration
    1. Change the redis.host property with the host ip on config.properties where you have installed redis
    2. Set fight.in.bout( No of fight that you want to play in one bout . Must be an odd number) and total.no.bout (No of bout that you want to play . Must be an odd number) on config.properties based on your selection
  • Run app.App to start the application

click here to see the code coverage of the application

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/218188601" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>