This is a Command Line Interface game where you can fight with the Robot.
Each Capital alphabet is containing a Punch (either from gammer or from robot). You need to enter the alphabet to fight with.
- Java8 or more
- Maven 3 or more
- Redis 3.2.8 or more
- use redis.conf to start your redis
- Set the Application specification configuration
- Change the property with the host ip on where you have installed redis
- Set No of fight that you want to play in one bout . Must be an odd number) and (No of bout that you want to play . Must be an odd number) on based on your selection
- Run app.App to start the application
click here to see the code coverage of the application
<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>