
Run Ookla's Speedtest CLI program in Docker. send the results to InfluxDB

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Runs Ookla's Speedtest CLI program in Docker, sends the results to InfluxDB


  • This runs Ooka's Speedtest CLI program on an interval, then writes the data to an InfluxDB database (you can later graph this data with Grafana or Chronograf)
  • This does NOT use the open-source speedtest-cli. That program uses the Speedtest.net HTTP API. This program uses Ookla's official CLI application.
  • ⚠️ Ookla's speedtest application is closed-source (the binary applications are here) and Ookla's reasoning for this decision is here ⚠️
  • ⚠️ Ookla's speedtest application reports all data back to Ookla ⚠️


  • This work with InfluxDB 2.0.
  • You must already have an InfluxDB database created, along with a bucket and token that has WRITE permissions on that bucket.
  • This Docker container needs to be able to reach that InfluxDB instance by hostname, IP address, or Docker service name (I run this container on the same Docker network as my InfluxDB instance).
  • ⚠️ Depending on how often you run this, you may need to monitor your internet connection's usage. If you have a data cap, you could exceed it. The standard speedtest uses about 750MB of data per run. See below for an example. ⚠️
speedtest: 225MB / 495MB

Docker image information

Docker image tags

  • latest: Latest version
  • X.X.X: Semantic version (use if you want to stick on a specific version)

Environment variables

Variable Required? Definition Example Comments
INFLUXDB_V2_URL Yes Server URL hosting the InfluxDB with port if necessary or http://influxdb:8086
INFLUXDB_V2_ORG Yes InfluxDB organisation my_org Need a pre-created Organisation within Influxdb
INFLUXDB_V2_TOKEN Yes Access Token A86b8d9c0c*^jsld== Needs to have WRITE permissions already
BUCKET Yes Bucket name speedtest Must already be created, this does not create a bucket
SLEEPY_TIME No (default: 3600) Seconds to sleep between runs 3600 The loop takes about 15-30 seconds to run, so I wouldn't set this value any lower than 60 (1min)
SPEEDTEST_HOST No (default: container ID) Hostname of service where Speedtest is running server04 Useful if you're running Speedtest on multiple servers





Example usage

Below is an example docker-compose.yml file.

version: '3'
    container_name: tig_speedtest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - INFLUXDB_V2_URL=http://influxdb:8086
      - SLEEPY_TIME=7200 #in seconds
      - SPEEDTEST_HOST=my_server
      - INFLUXDB_V2_TOKEN=my_token
      - INFLUXDB_V2_ORG=my_org
      - BUCKET=speedtest
      - influx
    image: coolmule0/docker-speedtest-influxdbv2:latest


Changes to upstream version

  • Use more modern Influxdb 2 api calls (tokens & orgs, instead of user & password)
  • Use the Speedtest Python API