
Missing dependencies

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Step 11
Installation process is missing module vite/dynamic-import-polyfill

I've installed it as /dynamic-import-polyfill and updated /resources/scripts/main.ts accordingly.
I guess it works same as vite module.

Also code inside resources/js/app.js seems to be wrong (consists require command) or missing requirejs module.
The app is throwing :
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined at app.js:1

@asbator this is well noted. A bit of refactoring that needs to be done:

  • Remove the app.js because we no longer need it after moving the project to ViteJS and typescript.
  • Add the dynamic-import-polyfill to the list of npm dependencies in the documentation.
    Thanks for noting these. Do you mind a PR please?