
Submenu - no proper documentation or example available

abhitheawesomecoder opened this issue · 1 comments

Sub menu not working for me there is also not much documentation or example for that

I tried this :

"categories": {
"route": "admin.categories.index",
"title": "Categories",
"routePattern": "admin.categories.",
"faIcon": "far fa-clone",
"isTitle": true,
"isParent": true,
"children": [{"sub-categories": {
"route": "admin.sub-categories.index",
"title": "Sub Categories",
"routePattern": "admin.categories.
"faIcon": "far fa-clone",
"isTitle": false,
"isParent": false,
"children": []

Children should be defined as object not array:

"stats": {
        "title": "Statystyka",
        "faIcon": "fas fa-database",
        "isTitle": true,
        "isParent": true,
        "ignorePerm": false,
        "children": {
            "default": {
                "route": "stat",
                "title": "Statystyka ",
                "routePattern": "stat",
                "faIcon": "fa-solid fa-square-poll-horizontal",
                "isTitle": false,
                "isParent": true,
                "ignorePerm": true,
                "children": {}
            "filter-reports": {
                "route": "",
                "title": "Filtruj raporty",
                "routePattern": "",
                "faIcon": "fas fa-table",
                "isTitle": false,
                "isParent": true,
                "ignorePerm": true,
                "children": {}
            "reports-result": {
                "route": "reports.result",
                "title": "Wynik",
                "routePattern": "reports.result",
                "faIcon": "fas fa-table ml-4",
                "isTitle": false,
                "isParent": false,
                "ignorePerm": true,
                "visible": "showReportsResults",
                "children": {}
            "filter-stats": {
                "route": "",
                "title": "Filtruj dane",
                "routePattern": "",
                "faIcon": "fas fa-chart-bar",
                "isTitle": false,
                "isParent": true,
                "ignorePerm": true,
                "children": {}
            "stats-result": {
                "route": "stats.result",
                "title": " Wynik",
                "routePattern": "stats.result",
                "faIcon": "fas fa-chart-bar ml-4",
                "isTitle": false,
                "isParent": false,
                "ignorePerm": true,
                "visible": "showStatsResults",
                "children": {}