
Xdebug Configuration Made Easy

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Project Status

Working In Progress, beta version should be released before Mid-September.


xdebug is a helpful and powerful tool in php development, but setting up xdebug in your server and your IDE/editor is sometimes confusing/frustrating.

This website tries to make your life easier by offering an intuitive, step-by-step gui that goes through xdebug's Introduction, Configuration ,Trouble Shooting ,Tookits and more.


Requirements: PHP >= 7.0 , Composer , npm

1. Grab the code

run git clone https://github.com/coolseven/xdebug-wizard or composer create-project coolseven/xdebug-wizard --prefer-dist

2. Install PHP Dependency

  • open a command line from the folder

  • run composer install

  • run cp .evn.example .env

  • run php artisan key:generate

3. Install JavaScript Dependency

  • run npm install
  • or run SET SASS_BINARY_SITE=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node-sass&& npm install --verbose --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org when you are behind The Wall.
  • run npm run prod
  • try it in your browser.