
Kopi is a high-level webapp framework written in CoffeeScript.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Kopi JavaScript Framework

Kopi is a high-level webapp framework written in CoffeeScript. It brings rapid development experience to client side which Rails and Django does on server side.


jQuery Based

Kopi uses jQuery (or Zepto.js which provides jQuery-compatible API for mobile browsers) as low-level library.

Modular JavaScript with AMD

Easy to manage larger projects. Work with AMD compatible loaders like curl.js or sea.js.

Kopi also provides a Python script to concatenate all scripts together in the order they were required if you prefer the traditional way.

Object-Relational Mapper

Class-based data models and MongoDB-style query interface. Model adapters for various databases like IndexedDB, LocalStorage and RESTful service.

URL-based Navigation

Flexible and powerful URL mapping.

Touchable UI Components

Currently Kopi offers some of most used UI components on mobile apps that uses hardware accelerated animation and touch events when available. More are coming soon.

Default theme is based on Bootstrap.


Full support for multiple-language applications.