组委会成员: Haiyang Geng 耿海洋(HKU), Ruyuan Zhang 张洳源(SJTU), Ying Li李瑛(BJCH), Chao Li黎超(CMU), Lei Zhang张磊(VU)
时间: 每周四晚上8点(北京时间)
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期号 | 文献 | 报告人 | 日期 | 主持人 |
期号 | 文献 | 报告人 | 日期 | 相关材料 | 主持人 |
1 | Pavlovian conditioning–induced hallucinations result from overweighting of perceptual priors. Science, 357(6351), 596–600. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aan3458 | 耿海洋 | 2020年12月24日 | ||
2 | An integrative framework for perceptual disturbances in psychosis. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 20(12), 763–778. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41583-019-0234-1 | 李瑛 | 2020年12月31日 | ||
3 | Anxious individuals have difficulty learning the causal statistics of aversive environments. Nature Neuroscience, 18(4), 590–596. https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.3961 | 全湘 张洳源 | 2021年1月28日 | ||
4 | Identifying and validating subtypes within major psychiatric disorders based on frontal–posterior functional imbalance via deep learning. Molecular Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-020-00892-3 | 黎超 | 2021年2月4日 | ||
5 | Identification of neurobehavioural symptom groups based on shared brain mechanisms. Nature Human Behaviour, 3(12), 1306–1318. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-019-0738-8 | 刘威 | 2021年2月25日 | ||
6 | Gagne, C., Zika, O., Dayan, P., & Bishop, S. J. (2020). Impaired adaptation of learning to contingency volatility in internalizing psychopathology. ELife, 9, e61387. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.61387 | 王志豪 | 2021年3月11日 | ||
7 | Computational psychiatry Intro | 张磊 | 2021年3月25日 | 视频, PPT | |
8 | Hein, T. P., de Fockert, J., & Ruiz, M. H. (2021). State anxiety biases estimates of uncertainty and impairs reward learning in volatile environments. NeuroImage, 224, 117424. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117424 | 窦皓然 | 2021年4月8日 | 视频, PPT | |
9 | Shin, Y. S., & Niv, Y. (2021). Biased evaluations emerge from inferring hidden causes. Nature Human Behaviour, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01065-0 | 潘晚坷 | 2021年4月29日 | 视频,PPT | |
10 | Lei, H., Mochizuki, Y., Chen, C., Hagiwara, K., Hirotsu, M., Matsubara, T., & Nakagawa, S. (2021). Sex difference in the weighting of expected uncertainty under chronic stress. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 8700. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-88155-1 | 雷慧洁 | 2021年5月13日 | PPT | |
11 | van Baar, J. M., Chang, L. J., & Sanfey, A. G. (2019). The computational and neural substrates of moral strategies in social decision-making. Nature Communications, 10(1), 1483. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-09161-6 | 金悦宁 | 2021年5月27 日 | 视频, PPT | |
12 | van de Schoot, R., Depaoli, S., King, R., Kramer, B., Märtens, K., Tadesse, M. G., Vannucci, M., Gelman, A., Veen, D., Willemsen, J., & Yau, C. (2021). Bayesian statistics and modelling. Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 1(1), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43586-020-00001-2 | 谭敬斌 | 2021年6月24日 | ||
CPoJC 2.0 | |||||
13 | Dwyer, D. B., Falkai, P., & Koutsouleris, N. (2018). Machine Learning Approaches for Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 14(1), 91–118. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-032816-045037 | 吕婷婷 | 2021年10月21日 | 视频 | 耿海洋 |
14 | Suthaharan, P., Reed, E. J., Leptourgos, P., Kenney, J. G., Uddenberg, S., Mathys, C. D., Litman, L., Robinson, J., Moss, A. J., Taylor, J. R., Groman, S. M., & Corlett, P. R. (2021). Paranoia and belief updating during the COVID-19 crisis. Nature Human Behaviour, 5(9), 1190–1202. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01176-8 | 黄丽芹 | 2021年10月28日 | 视频 | 祝小喜 |
15 | Lake, B. M., Ullman, T. D., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Gershman, S. J. (2017). Building machines that learn and think like people. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X16001837 | 谢涵博,方泽鸣 | 2021年11月4日 | 视频 | 祝小喜 |
16 | Brown, V. M., Zhu, L., Solway, A., Wang, J. M., McCurry, K. L., King-Casas, B., & Chiu, P. H. (2021). Reinforcement Learning Disruptions in Individuals With Depression and Sensitivity to Symptom Change Following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. JAMA Psychiatry, 78(10), 1113–1122. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.1844 | 雷慧洁 | 2021年11月11日 | 视频 | 吕婷婷 |
17 | Wilson, R. C., & Collins, A. G. (2019). Ten simple rules for the computational modeling of behavioral data. ELife, 8, e49547. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.49547 | 王鑫, 刘花卷 | 2021年11月18日 | 视频, script | 谢涵博 |
18 | Kang Huang, Yaning Han, Ke Chen, Hongli Pan, Gaoyang Zhao, Wenling Yi, Xiaoxi Li, Siyuan Liu, Pengfei Wei & Liping Wang(2021).A hierarchical 3D-motion learning framework for animal spontaneous behavior mapping. Nature Communications | 蔡盛源 | 2021年11月25日 | 视频 | 吕婷婷 |
Ten Tips for Scientific Journal Club | 耿海洋 | 2021年11月25日 | 视频 | 吕婷婷 | |
19 | Peterson, Joshua C., David D. Bourgin, Mayank Agrawal, Daniel Reichman, and Thomas L. Griffiths. 2021. “Using Large-Scale Experiments and Machine Learning to Discover Theories of Human Decision-Making | Deborah | 2021年12月2日 | 谢涵博 | |
20 | Kotov, R., Krueger, R. F., Watson, D., Cicero, D. C., Conway, C. C., DeYoung, C. G., Eaton, N. R., Forbes, M. K., Hallquist, M. N., Latzman, R. D., Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., Ruggero, C. J., Simms, L. J., Waldman, I. D., Waszczuk, M. A., & Wright, A. G. C. (2021). The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP): A Quantitative Nosology Based on Consensus of Evidence. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 17(1), 83–108. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-081219-093304 | 温秀娟 | 2021年12月9日 | 视频 | 祝小喜 |
21 | Gershman, S. J., & Lai, L. (2021). The Reward-Complexity Trade-off in Schizophrenia. Computational Psychiatry, 5(1), 38–53. https://doi.org/10.5334/cpsy.71 | 谭敬斌 | 2021年12月16日 | 视频 | 谢涵博 |
22 | Weiss, Aurélien, Valérian Chambon, Junseok K. Lee, Jan Drugowitsch, and Valentin Wyart. 2021. “Interacting with Volatile Environments Stabilizes Hidden-State Inference and Its Brain Signatures.” Nature Communications 12(1):2228. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22396-6. | 陈明明,李冰洁 | 2021年12月23日 | 谢涵博 | |
23 | Stephan, Klaas E., Dominik R. Bach, Paul C. Fletcher, Jonathan Flint, Michael J. Frank, Karl J. Friston, Andreas Heinz, Quentin J. M. Huys, Michael J. Owen, Elisabeth B. Binder, Peter Dayan, Eve C. Johnstone, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, P. Read Montague, Ulrich Schnyder, Xiao-Jing Wang, and Michael Breakspear. 2016. “Charting the Landscape of Priority Problems in Psychiatry, Part 1: Classification and Diagnosis.” The Lancet Psychiatry 3(1):77–83. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(15)00361-2. | 吴雪冰 | 2021年12月30日 | 吕婷婷 | |
24 | Mini-Workshop of Cognitive Modeling(MWoCM) MCMC sampling for dummies, Not a tutorial of a Bayesian implementation of a reinforcement learning model,Fitting a simple Reinforcement Learning model to behavioral data with PyMC3,Ref1,Ask me anything about cognitive modelling! | 李宇航,徐深,马若璠,郭鸣谦,聂其阳,张磊 | 2022年1月6日 | 耿海洋 | |
25 | Stephan, K. E., F. Schlagenhauf, Q. J. M. Huys, S. Raman, E. A. Aponte, K. H. Brodersen, L. Rigoux, R. J. Moran, J. Daunizeau, R. J. Dolan, K. J. Friston, and A. Heinz. 2017. “Computational Neuroimaging Strategies for Single Patient Predictions.” NeuroImage 145:180–99. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.06.038. | 吕婷婷 | 2022年1月13日 | 吕婷婷 | |
26 | Hunter, Lindsay E., Elana A. Meer, Claire M. Gillan, Ming Hsu, and Nathaniel D. Daw. 2022. “Increased and Biased Deliberation in Social Anxiety.” Nature Human Behaviour 6(1):146–54. doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01180-y. | 陆春雷 | 2022年2月10日 | 谢涵博 | |
27 | De Miguel, Zurine, Nathalie Khoury, Michael J. Betley, Benoit Lehallier, Drew Willoughby, Niclas Olsson, Andrew C. Yang, Oliver Hahn, Nannan Lu, Ryan T. Vest, Liana N. Bonanno, Lakshmi Yerra, Lichao Zhang, Nay Lui Saw, J. Kaci Fairchild, Davis Lee, Hui Zhang, Patrick L. McAlpine, Kévin Contrepois, Mehrdad Shamloo, Joshua E. Elias, Thomas A. Rando, and Tony Wyss-Coray. 2021. “Exercise Plasma Boosts Memory and Dampens Brain Inflammation via Clusterin.” Nature 1–6. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04183-x. | 宋刚 | 2022年2月24日 | 吕婷婷 | |
28 | Kanter, Benjamin R., Christine M. Lykken, Edvard I. Moser, and May-Britt Moser. 2022. “Neuroscience in the 21st Century: Circuits, Computation, and Behaviour.” The Lancet Neurology 21(1):19–21. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00427-0. | 陆春雷 | 2022年3月3日 | 谢涵博 | |
29 | Hearne, L. J., Mill, R. D., Keane, B. P., Repovš, G., Anticevic, A., & Cole, M. W. (n.d.). Activity flow underlying abnormalities in brain activations and cognition in schizophrenia. Science Advances, 7(29), eabf2513. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abf2513 | 谢珂 | 2022年3月17日 | 耿海洋 | |
30 | Sharp, P. B., Russek, E. M., Huys, Q. J., Dolan, R. J., & Eldar, E. (2022). Humans perseverate on punishment avoidance goals in multigoal reinforcement learning. ELife, 11, e74402. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.74402 | 陆春雷,徐深 | 2022年3月24日 | 谢涵博 | |
31 | Pike, A. C., & Robinson, O. J. (2022). Reinforcement Learning in Patients With Mood and Anxiety Disorders vs Control Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.0051 | 黄丽芹 | 2022年3月31日 | 谭敬斌 | |
32 | Gillan, C. M., & Rutledge, R. B. (2021). Smartphones and the Neuroscience of Mental Health. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 44(1), 129–151. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-neuro-101220-014053 | 温秀娟,张雨薇 | 2022年4月21日 | 温秀娟 | |
33 | Thompson, B., van Opheusden, B., Sumers, T., & Griffiths, T. L. (2022). Complex cognitive algorithms preserved by selective social learning in experimental populations. Science, 376(6588), 95–98. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abn0915 | 谢涵博 | 2022年5月5日 | 视频 | 谢涵博 |
34 | Bethlehem, R.A.I., Seidlitz, J., White, S.R. et al. Brain charts for the human lifespan. Nature 604, 525–533 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04554-y | 谢珂 & 刘花卷 | 022年5月12日 | 温秀娟 | |
35 | Reid, C. R., MacDonald, H., Mann, R. P., Marshall, J. A. R., Latty, T., & Garnier, S. (2016). Decision-making without a brain: How an amoeboid organism solves the two-armed bandit. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 13(119), 20160030. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2016.0030 | 程子健 | 2022年5月25日 | 吕婷婷 | |
36 | Hilbe, C., Šimsa, Š., Chatterjee, K., & Nowak, M. A. (2018). Evolution of cooperation in stochastic games. Nature, 559(7713), 246–249. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0277-x | 陆春雷 | 2022年6月30日 | 吕婷婷 | |
37 | Taschereau-Dumouchel, V., Cushing, C., & Lau, H. (2022). Real-Time Functional MRI in the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders. 31. | 中山大学 吕房艳 | 2022年7月7日 | 谭敬斌 |
序号 | 文献 | 等级(5为最高) |
1 | Baribault, Beth, and Anne Collins. 2021. “Troubleshooting Bayesian Cognitive Models: A Tutorial with Matstanlib. | |
2 | Grossman, Cooper D., Bilal A. Bari, and Jeremiah Y. Cohen. 2021. “Serotonin Neurons Modulate Learning Rate through Uncertainty.” Current Biology. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.12.006. | |
3 | Nussenbaum, K., Martin, R. E., Maulhardt, S., Yang, Y. (Jen), Bizzell-Hatcher, G., Bhatt, N., Scheuplein, M., Rosenbaum, G., O’Doherty, J. P., Cockburn, J., & Hartley, C. (2022). Novelty and uncertainty differentially drive exploration across development. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/pkn7j | |
4 | ||
5 |
名字 | 简介 | 时间 |
MAPs: Methods And Primers for Computational Psychiatry and Neuroeconomics | 由耶鲁大学医学院Al Powers等人组织,计算精神病学方法入门,领域中的大牛深入浅出讲解CP的方法和理论 | Monthly Thursdays 4:00 – 5:00 pm ET |
Transcontinental Computational Psychiatry Workgroup (TCPW) | 由Quentin Huys组织,计算精神病学领域大牛,每月一次的seminar | Monthly |
Computational Cognitive Science Colloquium 2020/2021 | Technische Universität Darmstadt组织,认知计算神经科学seminar | Weekly Wednesday 3:20-5:00 pm GMT+1 |
World Wide Neuro | 认知计算神经科学全球seminar信息集散地 | Daily |
Brain Imaging Research Center Seminars | UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT举办,认知神经科学 | Monthly Tuesday 12-1:30 pm ET |
The Learning Salon | A weekly forum in which we explore bridges and contentions in biological and artificial learning. 由 Ida Momennejad等人组织,注重对领域基本问题的深刻讨论。 | Weekly Friday, 4:00 pm EST |
BRAIN INSPIRED | 由Paul Middlebrooks主持,一个讨论AI和brain science交叉的prodcast,主持人与业界大牛的对谈,主持人的问题很专业。 |