- 0
- 0
Taniks reboot when using keyboard
#23 opened by doandat943 - 3
Loud ear screeching noise happens at random.
#15 opened by MemerOnYT - 2
- 0
Hope to fix the tablet mode of drallion
#22 opened by geochensx - 1
- 1
How do I download installer from here
#20 opened by tombrowngithub - 1
board taeko may have ec issue.
#18 opened by krrrak - 1
Wifi gets disabled if laptop goes in sleep mode - Lenevo ThinkPad c13 yoga
#19 opened by rosanyadav08 - 3
NO keyboard backlight
#16 opened by lcluna86 - 0
- 1
Screen doesnt rotate in tablet mode
#11 opened by Wojteczekmumi - 1
Chromebook elan touchscreen not active
#6 opened by smx06 - 1
- 1
- 1
No driver for HP Chromebook 11A G8 EE
#13 opened by xytrux - 1
- 0
Turn off the touchpad in tablet mode
#10 opened by 2697a - 1
Chell audio doesn't work after reboot
#4 opened by Munichokay - 2
keyboard backlight
#5 opened by Tony-Yes - 1
No compatible driver C1030 Chromebook
#7 opened by sheesnadeem - 3
about samus audio card
#3 opened by asd2asd - 0
HP Chromebook G4 11'' Audio out not working
#2 opened by optunes - 0
Hissing noise with max98090 driver
#1 opened by TheBobPony