
Node, Express, Angular4.0, D3, Angular Material, typescript & CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Message Board

An applications using NODE and EXPRESS with a login-system using JSON-WEB-TOKEN with a FAKE-TOKEN-PAYLOAD. There is no database but the server of the application simulates the API_ENDPOINT to request data from the BE.

The Frond End of the application uses ANGULAR MATERIAL, ANGULAR 4.0 & TYPESCRIPT.


  • Dashboard
  • Log-in & log-out of the application.
  • Post Message.
  • Edit posted message.
  • Delete posted message.
  • Get Message by users ( clicking on the posts ).
  • Edit user data.

Run Front-End

from frontEnd/

npm start

Run Backend

from backEnd/

npm start


email: test@test.me
password: test


Input-field with autosearch

MongoDB database

webpack: development & production