imaxMovies program

- This program is going to be used for ticket sale. 
- Based on the amount of sales, statistics will be calculated
- The movie theater has 4 rooms, the max capacity is 120 people

- The program does the following:
	- Sell tickets
	- Give detailed statistics
	- give general statistics

- The program stores info in memory, it only stores while it is being executed

Sell Tickets
	- When the client is going to buy tickets, the client must specify the room number
	- The user then indicates the type of tickets and number he wants to buy
	- There are 3 types of tickets
		-General: 2000
		- Kids or students: 1500
		- 3rd age: 1000
	- the console then shows the total to pay and waits for ’s’ to continue or ‘c’ to cancel

Give detailed statistics
	- the client specifies the room number
	- The program shows
		- Available seats
		- Amount of tickets sold
		- Capacity of the room
		- Money made from each type of ticket
		- Total money made
	- Program waits for user to enter 'INTRO' to return to main menu

General stats
	- The program shows a total of
		- Amount of available seats
		- Amount of tickets sold
		- Max capacity of all rooms
		- Money made for every type of ticket across all rooms
		- Total money made for all rooms

GLOBAL variables used

	MovieRooms: this dictionary keeps information about the maxCapacity of seats and a ticket distribution of tickets purchased so far for each movie theater room

	movieRooms: { 
			key: roomNumber(int)
			values: list[maxSeats:int, ticketDistribution: dictionary]
		For the ticketDistributionDictionary: key: ticketTpe:string, value: amountofTicket: int} This dictionary stored the amount of sold tickets for a movie theater room

	TicketTypes: this dictionary keeps information about the types of tickets and their corresponding price

	ticketTypes: {
			key: ticketName: string
			value: ticketPrice: int but can be changed to any number you want