Easy-to-use French => Phonetic Alphabet translator
gem install apion
require "apion"
Examples :
irb(main):002:0> Apion.apion("Le chat dodu et roux mange une quiche aux lardons")
=> ["lœ", "ʃa", "dɔdy", "e", "ru", "mɑ̃ʒ", "yn", "kiʃ", "o", "lardɔ̃"]
Automatic ponctuation removal :
irb(main):003:0> Apion.apion("Le chat dodu et roux mange ? Oh ! C'est une belle quiche aux lardons !!!")
=> ["lœ", "ʃa", "dɔdy", "e", "ru", "mɑ̃ʒ", "o", "sɛ", "yn", "bɛl", "kiʃ", "o", "lardɔ̃"]
Handles both existing and non-existing words
irb(main):004:0> Apion.apion("Un chat dodu")
=> ["œ̃", "ʃa", "dɔdy"]
irb(main):005:0> Apion.apion("Un chat toudouchoubidou")
=> ["œ̃", "ʃa", "tuduʃubidu"]
Important : All IPA characters can't be displayed in this README, so the translation can be slightly off