
Back end part of Lets Do It project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Let's Do It Project

Let's Do It is a task management app (a to-do list) implemented for studying purposes. In this project, you can do all the operations regarding tasks (read, create, edit and delete). Some other functionalities were added as well, such as prioritizing tasks.

This project is divided into two subprojects:

  • The frontend subproject: the Let's Do It App, implemented using the AngularJS framework and the Angular Material for better UX. This APP will be described in details in this document.
  • The backend subproject: the Let's Do It Api, which is a RESTFul Web Api implemented using NodeJS and MongoDB.

The main goal of the APP is to deal with user interactions. The API, on the other hand, deal with the data itself, processing and answering to all the requests made by the APP, such as task creation, getting tasks and much more.

The Let's Do It API

Let's Do It API is a RESTful Web API that deals with requests regarding tasks (read, create, edit and delete). This API uses the HTTP protocol and JSON objects to interact with other systems. Requests are made as follows:

  • GET .../api/tasks
  • GET .../api/tasks/:id
  • POST .../api/tasks (with a request body)

The full list of operations, along with the data transfer objects models, will be available once we finish the documentation. For now, check the file lets-do-it-api/routes/index.js. This file contains all available operations and routes for it.

The main purpose of the API is to study (and be good at) NodeJS and MongoDB. So expect a lot of changes along the way. The other purpose is to be a Service Layer for any other APP (or another API) that wants to consume services that manipulate tasks.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open a command prompt, navigate to the folder that contains the cloned repository and run npm install to install all the dependencies.
  3. Run npm start to the start the application.

The API runs on port 4001 as default. If you want the test it (and make all possible requests) easily, we recommend the http client Postman

If you have any issue to report or comment to make, contact the developers or register an issue anytime. Feedback is very important to us.

Additional Information

  • The API do not has user authentication yet.
  • The tasks are registered globally, which means that they are the same for everyone.
  • The API is not in a fully mature state. It is working properly, but it's in, let's say, alpha stage.

Future Features

  • User Authentication
  • Documentation
  • Deal with files (pdf, png, txt, ...)

Special Thanks

Special Thanks to Pluralsight for providing amazing courses.