EasyAdmin/Mercure demo


  • While I edit an entity which gets updated on the server by another user, I get a notification and a button for updating the page I'm looking at.
  • While I am looking at an entity list, if a an entity on the page gets updated on the server by another user, I get a notification, a button for updating the page I'm looking at and the outdated entity gets highlighted.

This demo application has been generated from the MicroSymfony template.


Installation & first run 🚀

Your 8000 and 50943 ports must be free for the Symfony CLI web server and Mercure.

composer install
make start

Then open


To reinitialize the database you can run:

make db-init

Run the tests

To check the PHPUnit tests, you can run:

make test

Stop the Docker containers and the Symfony web server

make stop

Manual update

You can also manually emit notifications in your application check out AppController:

  $topic = $this->adminUrlGenerator->setController(Article::class)
  $update = new Update(
      (string) json_encode(['id' => 1]),

Of course you should rely on an actual article instance in this case.


To try/test

