
Write atomic React components using only CSS! (JS-from-CSS™) 🌬️

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MistCSS 🌬️

Node.js CI

Write React components using CSS only

MistCSS is a new, better and faster way to write visual components. CSS-in-JS? Nope! JS-from-CSS 👍

View the site to learn more.

Supports Next.js, Remix and TailwindCSS. More to come.


@scope (.paragraph) {
  p:scope {
    color: black;

    &[data-error] {
      color: red;


import { Paragraph } from 'Paragraph.mist'

export default const App = () => (
    <Paragraph>I'm a React component written in CSS only</Paragraph>
    <Paragraph error>props can be passed</Paragraph>

    {/* 💥 TypeScript will catch errors */}
    <Paragraph eror>typo</Paragraph>
    <Paragraph type="button">invalid prop</Paragraph>



Why the name?

C in CSS stands for cascade 🌊 → atomized water forms mist 🌫️ → MistCSS creates pure CSS atomic components 🌬️