
Python plugins for Liferea

Primary LanguageCSS

Liferea plugins

Place in ~/.local/share/liferea/plugins or what your $XDG_DATA_DIRS points to.

Disable Mark All As Read

This plugin should be considered deprecated. Liferea 1.12.3 warns when Mark All As Read is used.

Disables the menu entry for "Subscriptions" → "Mark All As Read" as it is a little bit too easy to hit by mistake. Also disables the toolbar button.

It does not disable the same functionality in the context menu for feeds and folders.

Hide Headline View

Adds a menu entry (View → Hide Headline View) and a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+H) to hide the headline view.

Makes it easier (less scrolling) to read articles on small screens.

Python Console

Interactive Python Console for Liferea! Simplifies writing and debugging plugins.

Based on the plugin for Rhythmbox, which in turn was based on gEdit and Epiphany. 99.9% of the work is not mine, I do take credit for the new bugs in this version.

Floating statusbar

Regain some screen real estate by replacing the static statusbar with a floating counterpart. Similar to the ones used in web browsers.

Uses code gratefully borrowed from the Catfish file searching tool, thank you guys!

This is an experimental plugin that reparents some UI elements in the main Liferea window.

Dark Mode

Enables the dark GTK theme variant with matching dark CSS override. This plugin is heavily based on the inspector plugin and the Firefox WebExtension Dark Mode.

For now it uses a single theme. Plans include support for all the variants shipped with the Firefox extension as well as site specific styles and a blacklist for sites to exclude.


Not a plugin. Small utilities I re-use for plugins.