
shadowsocks-zeit is a lightweight tunnel proxy which can help you get through firewalls. It is a port of shadowsocks, but through a different protocol.

shadowsocks-zeit uses WebSocket instead of raw sockets, so it can be deployed on Zeit.

Notice that the protocol is INCOMPATIBLE with the origin shadowsocks.

fork from Shadowsocks-heroku



  • zeit account, oss free plan is ok
  • docker (optional, I'm use it for client proxy server)
$ yarn global add now
# or $ npm i -g now


Prepare secret

# For server
# Add secrets it to now account
$ now secrets add ss-method "aes-128-cfb"
$ now secrets add ss-key "YOUR_PASS"

Push the code to Zeit.

$ now

You will get server_ip from output (it's auto copied to your clipboards)

Run client proxy in docker

# For client, you will also need to change dotenv
$ cp sample.env .env
$ vim .env
$ cat .env

# Build image
$ docker-compose -f client-compose.yml build ss

# Run container in background
$ docker-compose -f client-compose.yml up -d

Or run client in node.js

$ cd src
$ yarn # or npm install
$ node local.js -k YOUR_PASS -m aes-128-cfb -s SERVER_IP -l 1080 -r 443
