
Perl script to capture JVM machine info using JMX and output it in cacti format to console

Primary LanguagePerl

JMX - Cacti


Script and templates to monitor JVM machine parameters in cacti.

Configured device looks like this:


This script can be executed from shell

Replace IP port with yours values

$ ./jmxmonitorthr.pl

Result of executing command:

HeapMemoryUsageused:3105249280 HeapMemoryUsagemax:10737418240 HeapMemoryUsagecommitted:10737418240 NonHeapMemoryUsageused:244632312 NonHeapMemoryUsagecommitted:255975424 Metaspaceused:157534160 Metaspacecommitted:164462592 G1EdenSpaceused:2176843776 G1EdenSpacecommitted:6710886400 G1SurvivorSpaceused:54525952 G1SurvivorSpacecommitted:54525952 G1OldGenused:924211200 G1OldGencommitted:3972005888 G1OldGenmax:10737418240 CompressedClassSpaceused:19339016 CompressedClassSpacecommitted:22044672 CompressedClassSpacemax:1073741824 G1OldGenerationCollectionCount:0 G1OldGenerationCollectionTime:0 G1OldGenerationLastGcInfoduration:null G1YoungGenerationCollectionCount:129 G1YoungGenerationSweepCollectionTime:7282 G1YoungGenerationSweepLastGcInfoduration:100 ProcessCpuLoad:2 SystemCpuLoad:3 OpenFileDescriptorCount:178 MaxFileDescriptorCount:1048576 CommittedVirtualMemorySize:15482507264 TotalSwapSpaceSize:0 FreeSwapSpaceSize:0 FreePhysicalMemorySize:1820565504 TotalPhysicalMemorySize:15599792128 ThreadCount:142 DaemonThreadCount:100 TotalStartedThreadCount:888 TotalLoadedClassCount:28649 LoadedClassCount:28648 UnloadedClassCount:1

Note: you need to open JMX like this but remember don't use it in real env and don't open to the world without ssl

-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1098 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port=1098 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname={hostip}


JAVA and Environment Perfomance

To start about 50 java jmx collectors processes (that's how script configured).

System with CPU: 2.3 GHz 4 cores.

  • java-1.8.0 - execution time about 4-6 seconds;
  • java-11 - 18-20 seconds.

Monitoring of 4 java instances (4 parallel executions of script) will take about 10-15 seconds in case if everything fine.

Sometimes Java can be slow when leaking memory or some problems and jmx answer can be slow as well. As result in case of one minute polling this script can finish by timeout and you will get empty results.

But in most cases it will work fine.

Don't use java 11 to run this script you will struggle from perfomance!!!!!!!!

Not sure but suppose with newer java you will get the same result

Install java (example for fedora):

# dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless

If you have multiple java installations switch default one by executing command line and enter number:

# alternatives --config java

If you need default to be another version of java, then modify script with full path to java binary.

Install to cacti

Copy Script to cacti

Copy jmxmonitorthr.pl, jmxquery.jar to /var/lib/cacti/scripts

$ git clone https://github.com/coozoo/cactiJMXmonitor
$ cd cactiJMXmonitor
$ chmod 777 jmxmonitorthr.pl
$ cp jmxmonitorthr.pl /var/lib/cacti/scripts/ && cp jmxquery.jar /var/lib/cacti/scripts/

Import Host Template

There is two templates for now:

  • java 8 template - suitable only for java8;
  • java 9 template - suitable for java 9 and higher (at least up to java11 nothing changed).

It's small differences between java 8 and 9/11, codecache memory is splitted onto three codeheap spaces.

So if you are planning to move from java8 to higher version it's better to use java9 template

Steps to install:

  1. In cacti go to "Console"->"Import/Export"->"Import Templates"
  2. Press "Select a file" button and find downloaded cacti_host_template_jmx_-_device_java9.xml
  3. Unmark "Preview Import Only" (sure you can try it to view changes)
  4. Select "Data Source Profile" - "1 Minute Collection" will work fine (I'm using custom 1 minute to save data longer)

Create Device and Graphs

IMPORTANT: Navigate to "Console"->"Configuration"->"Settings" and at the far bottom disable "Enable Automatic Graph Creation". Otherwise you will get a lot of data sources for one device which intended to be the only one (even in this case it can fail see below).

  1. Navigate To "Console"->"Create"->"New Device"

  2. Select "JMX - Device (Java9+)" and fill all other required data as you wish.

  3. After successfull Device creation go to "Console"->"Create"->"New Graph" and select just created device from "Device" dropdown.

  4. Mark Select All (or better switch graphs what you need) check box at the top of table and press create.

Now the most annoying part:

Insert IP and port for each graph... in case of select all you need to do that 24*2 times... And press Create..

Even in this case sometimes I'm getting separate datasource for each graph (it's some bug in cacti, I've opened it few times and it was fixed somehow. After those fixes it works from time to time).

So if you got a lot of datasources ("Console"->"Managment"->"Data Sources" select you device) more than one.

Then select at the bottom from dropdown "Disable" option and mark checkbox on the top of table Select All and now press Go to disable all of them.

Inside of each datasource you should point the same rrd file. The easiest way to open each datasource in new tab and navigate through all and paste the same rrd into "Data Source Path" field and save.

After that enable the only one "Data Source" for that device all other will disabled but graph should use the same RRD...

I'm lucky and in one of my cacti set up after few such devices with lot of datasources I'm getting stable one data source at creation.

BTW I never succeded to setup spine to use with custom scripts so I'm still using the old cmd poller.