
final-project-mrashid2019 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

COP4808 - Final Project: Group 8


Movie Web Application using TheMovieDB API

Demo Link

Demo of the application: https://youtu.be/YwNvOpXpaIo
Access the final version of the app here: https://movieserver.herokuapp.com/

Table of Content:

  • About the app
    Our movie application, called dotMOV, uses The Movie DB API to provide users with a wide selection of movies to browse through. Users can search for specific movies or simply browse through different genres. Users are also able to instantly search for a movie no matter what page they are visiting. Additionally, users can create an account and log in to keep track of their favorite movies, allowing them to easily find and view details of them later. Overall, the app makes it easy for movie enthusiasts to find and keep track of the movies they love.

  • Screenshots
    GIF of dotMOV

    Home page:




  • Technologies

    • React JS
    • Axios
    • Express
    • MongoDB
    • Node
    • The Movie Database
  • Setup
    To set up dotMOV in your local machine, here are the following steps:

    1. Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine
    2. Navigate to the cloned directory by running the following command in your terminal
    3. Create .env file
    4. Install project dependencies
    5. Run the react server by doing npm install
    6. Run the backend simulatenously by running node movieserver.js
    7. App should be fully functional and look like the deployed version
  • Current Status
    Currently, our application is serving its purpose and we were able to complete all the requirements we set for ourselves. Some extra features we had in mind such as adding a profile section which would display the user favorites as well as allow user to change their personal information was not developed due to time constraints.

  • Members

    • Adrian Echazabal
    • Mahdia Rashid
    • Fatimah Ali
    • Nelly Delgado Planche