Simple Python lib for the ISY home automation netapp Supporting a Simple and OO interface
The Goal / design concept is to provide a fast and simple to use interface supporting both object oriented and procedural methods
Also Supports real time cache updating by optionally running a sub-thread subscribing to event stream )
This is a work in progress ( so expect new features )
see [/bin] (/bin) for more examples
nodes, programs and iay vars can be controlled via objects or call methods.
Get and print the status for the node called "Garage Light"
import ISY
myisy = ISY.Isy(addr="admin", userp="admin, userl="isy")
garage_light = myisy.get_node("Garage Light")
print "Node {:} is {:}".format(, garage_light.formatted)
Get an object that represents the node called "Garage Light" and turn it off if it is on
import ISY
myisy = ISY.Isy()
garage_light = myisy.get_node("Garage Light")
if garage_light :
Alternately you can obtain a Node's object by indexing a Isy obj my the node name or address
import ISY
myisy = ISY.Isy()
myisy["16 3F E5 1"].off()
or myisy["Garage Light"].off()
on 50% :
garage_light = myisy["Garage Light"]
or without node device objs
myisy.node_comm("Garage Light", "on", 128)
list all nodes and scenes and their status :
pfmt = "{:<22} {:>12}\t{:<12}{!s:<12}"
print(pfmt.format("Node Name", "Address", "Status", "Enabled"))
print(pfmt.format("---------", "-------", "------", "------"))
for nod in isy :
if nod.objtype == "scene" :
print(pfmt.format(, nod.address, "-", "-", ))
else :
print(pfmt.format(, nod.address, nod.formatted, nod.enabled, ))
Callbacks can be set up as easy as
def mycall(*args):
print "mycall called: "
for i in args :
print "arg : ", type(i), i
myisy = ISY.Isy(addr="", eventupdates=1)
myisy.callback_set("Garage Light", mycall, "my extra args")
garage_light = myisy["Garage Light"]
garage_light.set_callback(mycall, "my extra args")
or if your not passing extra arguments you can just :
garage_light = myisy["Garage Light"]
garage_light.set_callback = mycall
Callback will be call for all events relating to the node it is registared to
Callbacks are executed as a part of the event subthread
see also : and/or
NOTE: This Libaray is not written by or supported by universal devices
[This needs to be updated]
[Using_Isy_Class] (/docs/Using_Isy_Class.txt) This is the main class that used to represent the ISY device iitself
[Using_IsyNode_Class] (/docs/Using_IsyNode_Class.txt) This class is used to represent and control individual Nodes ( aka: sensors and light switches )
[Using_IsyVar_Class] (/docs/Using_IsyVar_Class.txt) This class is used to represent varabibles internal to the ISY