
Try to create a Docker image for the web server.

bdklahn opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Perhaps we could use do something like this with Docker Compose:
Django and PostgreSQL

The link is not working.

Try now. Somehow an extra character made it's way into the link address.
Also, I just created this issue to document this, and possibilities.
At least most of the requirements could be packaged in a Docker image.

I wonder if we could do/use something like this, rather than install Apache or nginx (nor use Django's built in dev web server).

Sorry for late reply. I don't know why I did not receive a notification about it. I am not aware of this, but I will check it if we can use it for cloud-COPASI

Hasan it is easy for Brian to do that. He just needs access to the code.

Oh I see!
we will be merging the code to this repo soon. There are still some bugs that I am trying to fix. Once they are done, I will merge into this repo.

Sounds good, @hasanbaig . And if you want any input on those bugs, it should be easy to push any changes from/on a separate branch, to here (GitHub) without any harm, before even having to try and merge anything back into master.
I guess we don't know the situation in your repo. But we can help with any of these:

  • you have commits on your local master (as children of the master here)
  • . . . and maybe changes in your working directory you have not yet merged/committed
  • . . . or you have local development branch . . .
  • . . . or . . . ?

Whatever . . . If you've already made some commits to your master, and are apprehensive about destabilizing the master here, you can create a branch to save any committed (and need/want to commit work). Then you could check out your master and "reset" to match the one here. Then you can safely push your dev work branch here (unmerged into master).

Anyway, it's not even that big of a deal if you want to push whatever you've got directly to master here. We'd just create and push a tag to annotate this "legacy stable" point in history, which anyone can easily go back to, if they want.
Just let me know how I might help.

Thanks @bdklahn. Yes, I can create a separate branch and push my entire repo (privately maintained) over here. I will talk to @pmendes about it.