Welcome to my portfolio website. This website is a showcase for my projects and a playground for new technologies. It is built with Angular and hosted on GitHub Pages.The website is available at portfolio.philipp-bonin.com.
The website consists of two components:
The desktop version is the main version of the website. You will be automatically redirected to this version if you are using a desktop device, if not you can access it here. This version shows all projects in a dock on the bottom of the screen. You can click on a project to open it in a new window. The window can be moved and resized. The window also has a close button and a maximize button.
The mobile version is a simplified version of the website. You will be automatically redirected to this version if you are using a mobile device, if not you can access it here. This version shows all projects in a grid. You can click on a project to open it in a new window.
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 17.0.7.
by Philipp B.
All similarities to other products are purely coincidental.