Here is a shallow embedding of linear temporal logic (LTL). Program executions are represented by infinite co-inductive lists and temporal operators by co-inductive or inductive types, depending on whether they are greatest or least fixpoints. ltl.v contains a parameterized specification of infinite transitions systems, the definitions of LTL operators and some safety and fairness related notions. The other files contain lemmas corresponding to LTL rules. Contents: safety.v : co-inductive lemmas that correspond to safety properties liveness.v : inductive lemmas that correspond to liveness properties fairness.v : a comparison between two notions of fairness congruence.v : the monotonicity of temporal operators leads_to.v : some transition properties of ``leads_to_via'' termination.v : the main termination lemma. It makes it possible to conclude that, provided that a property A initially holds on a stream, a property B continuously holds until a property C is eventually satisfied. The proof is based on the existence of a measure on the states ranging over a set equipped with a well-founded relation. It is assumed that eventually, either the measure strictly decreases, or C becomes true. Meanwhile, B remains true.