
Proof Reflection in Coq

Primary LanguageCoq

title:      Proof Reflection in Coq
author:     Dimitri Hendriks, <hendriks@cs.ru.nl>
version:    Coq 8.0pl1
date:       completed: 20030831;  contrib.: 20050415
www:        <http://www.cs.ru.nl/~hendriks/coq/prfx/>
doc.:       Ch. 2 of Hendriks' PhD thesis (thesis.*)
compile:    make opt
dep. graph: dotty prfx_tree.dot

  Natural deduction for first-order logic is formalised 
  in the proof assistant Coq, using De Bruijn indices 
  for variable binding. The main judgement is of the 
  form G |- d [:] p, stating that d is a proof term of 
  formula p under hypotheses G; it can be viewed as a 
  typing relation by the Curry-Howard isomorphism. This 
  relation is proved sound with respect to Coq's native 
  logic and is amenable to the manipulation of formulas 
  and of derivations. As an illustration, I define a 
  reduction relation on proof terms with permutative 
  conversions and prove the property of subject reduction.