
Coq seems to install META files in the wrong location

Closed this issue · 24 comments

Following up on #15610, the Ubuntu packages I maintain now generate a Coq which is incapable of building plugins, failing with things like

CAMLC -c src/Rewriter/Util/plugins/strategy_tactic.mli
ocamlfind: Package `coq-core.plugins.ltac' not found


The build log says

Installing /<<BUILDDIR>>/coq-8.master~git~202202051948+23033-0~daily356/debian/tmp/usr/lib/coq-core/META

So it looks like it gets installed to /usr/lib/coq-core/META

@silene said on zulip that it should be installed to /usr/lib/ocaml/coq-core/META.
The configure options I'm building with are set at -arch Linux -prefix /usr -mandir /usr/share/man -configdir /etc/xdg/coq -docdir /usr/doc -browser "/usr/bin/x-www-browser %s &" -with-doc no.

cc @gares @ejgallego ?

gares commented

This seems a duplicate of #15452

I think this is different, for some reason the --libdir=/usr/lib/ocaml that is needed in Debian is not passed to Dune, it uses $prefix/lib instead which is the default.

gares commented

So it is a bug in ""?

For the record, here is what I wrote in Zulip:

I think the main issue is as follows. Dune says "If --prefix is specified the default is $prefix/lib, otherwise it is the output of ocamlfind printconf destdir." Since Coq uses --prefix, Dune installs the files in a location that Findlib never heard about.

So it is a bug in

I would rather say that it is a bug in Makefile.install. But there is presumably a missing feature in that prevents from fixing the bug adequately, I guess.

I think we had this sorted in configure/Makefile.install but is very possible that I messed up.

For the record, here is what I wrote in Zulip:

I think the main issue is as follows. Dune says "If --prefix is specified the default is $prefix/lib, otherwise it is the output of ocamlfind printconf destdir." Since Coq uses --prefix, Dune installs the files in a location that Findlib never heard about.

Yup, dune allows to override this tho with --libdir

I think this is different, for some reason the --libdir=/usr/lib/ocaml that is needed in Debian is not passed to Dune, it uses $prefix/lib instead which is the default.

Even if I pass -libdir to ./configure explicitly, make install ignores it and installs the META files to, e.g., usr/lib/coq-core/META (see this log)

@JasonGross is this still relevant?

I think it's not? I'm not sure, though; I found a workaround a while back, I think, and haven't touched the code since

Unsetting the blocker tag in any case.

gares commented

I suspect this is broken in the non-standard layout we are discussing in #15663 .

Should be solved by #15560

ocamlfind cannot find the coq-core.plugins.ltac library. This is indeed can happen due to many reasons, wrong findlib config, wrong OCaml config, wrong dune config, packages not following the install instructions.

I guess on Arch, I'd try to see if other OCaml packages are correctly installed (by means of ocamlfind query $pkg returning the right path. If so, I'd try to see if oterh OCaml packages using dune do work, otherwise, Arch's dune is misconfigured as to where it should install libs.

If all of the above is correct, likely the problem is wrong install instruction for coq-core itself.

Hm, but this does not fix the problem for Alpine, which even with the updated ./configure installs


It seems that dune is configured fine, as ocamlfind query dune says /usr/lib/ocaml/dune. I am using the Alpine Coq package from, btw.

The build log says

You have OCaml 4.14.1. Good!
You have OCamlfind 1.9.6. Good!
You have native-code compilation. Good!
You have the Zarith library 1.12 installed. Good!
  Architecture                : Linux
  Sys.os_type                 : Unix
  OCaml version               : 4.14.1
  OCaml binaries in           : /usr/bin/
  OCaml library in            : /usr/lib/ocaml
  Web browser                 : firefox -remote "OpenURL(%s,new-tab)" || firefox %s &
  Coq web site                :
  Bytecode VM enabled         : true
  Native Compiler enabled     : no
  Paths where installation is expected by Coq Makefile:
  - Coq is expected in /usr
  - the Coq library is expected in /usr/lib/coq
  - the Coqide configuration files is expected in /usr/etc/xdg/coq
  - the Coqide data files is expected in /usr/share/coq
  - the Coq man pages is expected in /usr/share/man
  - documentation prefix path for all Coq packages is expected in /usr/share/doc
If anything is wrong above, please restart './configure'.
*Warning* To compile the system for a new architecture
          don't forget to do a 'make clean' before './configure'.
dune build  --root . theories_dune ltac2_dune
touch .dune-stamp
cp -a _build/default/theories_dune theories/dune && chmod +w theories/dune
cp -a _build/default/ltac2_dune user-contrib/Ltac2/dune && chmod +w user-contrib/Ltac2/dune
(cd _build/default && /bin/bash -e -u -o pipefail -c dev/tools/ > _build/default/revision

I am building with

build() {
	./configure \
		-prefix /usr \
		-mandir /usr/share/man \
		-docdir /usr/share/doc
	make dunestrap
	dune build -p coq,coq-core,coq-stdlib

package() {
	dune install coq coq-core coq-stdlib \
		--prefix=/usr \
		--destdir="$pkgdir" \
		--mandir=/usr/share/man \

	mkdir -vp "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/ocaml
	mv -v "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/stublibs "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/ocaml/

Picking a package at ~random, ocaml-ppxlib seems to both use dune and install correctly to usr/lib/ocaml/ppxlib/META.

So the issue seems to be on Coq's side? (Note that this is Coq 8.18.0)

Do you see anything wrong with this @ejgallego ? What should we do to debug?

@ejgallego If I skip ./configure and remove --prefix, then it seems to work fine. I guess --prefix is not supported with dune install?

@ejgallego If I skip ./configure and remove --prefix, then it seems to work fine. I guess --prefix is not supported with dune install?

I don't see what the error is from your messages; but indeed --prefix is supported by dune install.

Skipping configure is not allowed unless you are in a "local", dev build.

Seems like dropping --prefix in your case will be a no-op as dune is likely configured to default to /usr.

Note that for distros like Alpine, you can setup all the dirs for dune at Dune's build time, so packages need only to do dune install (or export DESTDIR=foo dune install)

Note that -libdir in Coq's configure is used to locate Coq's stdlib, not for any OCaml libs.

Seems like dropping --prefix in your case will be a no-op as dune is likely configured to default to /usr.

@ejgallego It seems we are again hit by

For the record, here is what I wrote in Zulip:

I think the main issue is as follows. Dune says "If --prefix is specified the default is $prefix/lib, otherwise it is the output of ocamlfind printconf destdir." Since Coq uses --prefix, Dune installs the files in a location that Findlib never heard about.

Originally posted by @silene in #15635 (comment)

However, I cannot find this on the dune docs now, I see for example

  1. if an explicit --lib <path> argument is passed, use this path
  2. if an explicit --prefix <path> argument is passed, use <path>/lib
  3. if --lib <path> argument is passed before during dune compilation to ./configure, use this paths
  4. if OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX is present in the environment use $OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX/lib
  5. otherwise, fail

without any mention of ocamlfind printconf destdir. @ejgallego How does -prefix and -libdir in ./configure interact with --prefix and --libdir in dune install? Is there a way to tell dune install to install Coq files as per the -prefix given to ./configure but install OCaml files as per the configuration of ocamlfind?

I see that dune is configured in Alpine with

./configure --libdir="$(ocamlc -where)" \
                --bindir="/usr/bin" --sbindir="/usr/sbin" --etcdir="/etc" \
                --mandir="/usr/share/man" --docdir="/usr/share/doc" \

and I'm trying to understand

  1. if it is incorrect to pass $(ocamlc -where) to dune's ./configure and we should instead be passing ocamlfind printconf destdir (except I guess the package doesn't depend on ocamlfind so I guess we can't use ocamlfind printconf destdir?)
  2. if I should invoke Coq's ./configure with -prefix /usr in Alpine
  3. if I should invoke Coq's dune install with --prefix=/usr in Alpine
  4. whether I should avoid passing -libdir to Coq's ./configure, or if I should pass -libdir /usr/lib or -libdir "$(ocamlc -where)" or -libdir "$(ocamlfind printconf destdir)"
  5. whether I should avoid passing --libdir to Coq's dune install, or if I should pass --libdir="$(ocamlc -where)" or --libdir="$(ocamlfind printconf destdir)"

I guess this is #15452

Duplicate of #15452