
Installation problems on Arch Linux: Package `coq-core.plugins.ltac' not found

defeo opened this issue · 5 comments

I get the same error as #1558 when compiling on Arch:

CAMLC -c src/Rewriter/Util/plugins/ltac2_extra.mli
ocamlfind: Package `coq-core.plugins.ltac' not found

coq and ocaml-findlib installed through pacman.

Any ideas?

Looks like Arch recently upgraded their Coq package from 8.16 to 8.18, so I suspect the issue is that the META file is going misplaced in the Arch package. coq/coq#15635 might have more hints, and Coq Zulip is probably a good place to ask for help on how the Arch package should be fixed. (In the meantime, you can use the same workaround as in #1558 and install Coq via opam)

Plausibly related: coq/coq#15663

I guess the issue in Arch is a missing configure at as in coq/coq#15663 (comment)

Originally posted by @JasonGross in coq/coq#15635 (comment)

I will email the Arch maintainer about this

You can work around the issue with

ln -s /usr/lib/coq /usr/lib/ocaml/coq
ln -s /usr/lib/coq-core /usr/lib/ocaml/coq-core
ln -s /usr/lib/coqide-server /usr/lib/ocaml/coqide-server

Wow! Thanks for the help, I couldn't hope for better assistance!

The symlinks indeed worked. I guess I can close this.