A Concourse resource for fetching remote Dhall expressions.
While this resource will technically work with Dhall expressions that do not include remote imports, such expressions have constant hashes and it rather defeats the purpose of having a Concourse resource to track changes.
Because Dhall's performance is highly dependent upon the presence of a warm cache, you are recommended to extend this image with one that already has a warmed cache of the libraries which you use.
In other words, you should build a custom image with, e.g. (note: you cannot use <<<
in a Dockerfile
, that's the reason for the piped echo
FROM quay.io/coralogix/eng-concourse-resource-dhall:v1.39.0
RUN set -ex; \
echo 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/dhall-lang/v16.0.0/Prelude/package.dhall' | dhall >/dev/null ; \
echo 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes/v4.0.0/package.dhall' | dhall >/dev/null ; \
echo 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coralogix/dhall-kops/v0.6.3/package.dhall' | dhall >/dev/null
and use that image instead in the source for the resource_types
: Required (string
). A Dhall expression that is fed directly to thedhall
executable, e.g.{ foo = "bar" }
: Optional (bool
). Wheter to pass the--ascii
flag to thedhall
executable. Defaults tofalse
: Optional (bool
). Whether to pass the--censor
flag to thedhall
executable. Defaults tofalse
: Optional (bool
). Whether to pass the--explain
flag to thedhall
executable. Defaults tofalse
: Optional (object
). Adds the included environment variables when running thedhall
executable. See example usage below.
Resource type definition
- name: dhall
type: registry-image
repository: quay.io/coralogix/eng-concourse-resource-dhall
tag: v1.39.0
Fetching the latest Prelude
- name: dhall-prelude
type: dhall
expression: https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/package.dhall
Fetching a sensitive configuration from a private GitHub repository
- name: sensitive-configuration
type: dhall
expression: |
let Config = { private : Text }
in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/myorg/myrepo/master/config.dhall
( toMap
{ Authorization =
"token ${env:GITHUB_TOKEN as Text}"
) : Config
censor: true
GITHUB_TOKEN: "((github-token))"
The Dhall expression is evaluated and its hash is retrieved as this resource's version. There are no parameters.
The Dhall expression is evaluated into normal form and output into the resource's directory as normal.dhall
. There are no parameters.
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