
Working out at the (OpenAI) gym

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

OpenAI Gym CircleCI Code Climate

OpenAI Gym Doc | OpenAI Gym Github | RL intro

Working out at the (OpenAI) gym. Note this is still under development, but will be ready before Nov 5


git clone https://github.com/kengz/openai_gym.git
cd openai_gym
python setup.py install

Note that by default it installs Tensorflow for Python3 on MacOS. Choose the correct binary to install from TF.

# for example, TF for Python2, MacOS
export TF_BINARY_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/cpu/tensorflow-0.11.0rc1-py2-none-any.whl
# or Linux CPU-only, Python3.5
export TF_BINARY_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/cpu/tensorflow-0.11.0rc1-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
sudo pip install --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL


Run the scripts inside the rl/ folder. It will contain:

  • run_gym_tour.py: a tour of the OpenAI gym
  • run_tabular_q.py: a tabular q-learner
  • run_dqn.py: a NN-based q-learner

Useful commands:

python rl/run_dqn.py # run in normal mode
python rl/run_dqn.py -d # print debug log
python rl/run_dqn.py 2>&1 | tee run.log # write to log file

Actually running

python rl/run_gym_tour.py -d
python rl/run_tabular_q.py -d
python rl/run_dqn.py -d


  • [x]get the gym tour done
  • [x]add util.py, refactor system
  • [x]add and build test code
  • [x]clear the DQN class off the TF code, to make it backend-agnostic
  • [x]faster CI builds, with real runs of rl in test
  • [meh]tag memory to indicate if it's from random action
  • [x]memory-decay - solve the problem caused by having majority of random experience
  • [x]YAYY. get NN q-learner working and solve the cartpole problem
  • [x]add visualization: average/total reward, loss(we'll see)
  • [x]get the tabular q-learner working
  • better parameter selection, to tune for a problem (can use the parallelization in util.py)
  • parametrize epsilon anneal steps by MAX_EPISODES etc, so parameter selection can be more automatic across different problems. Use sine x exp decay graph?
  • solve the stability problem - some runs start out bad and end up bad too
  • do policy iteration (ch 4 from text)
  • other more advanced algos
  • add some graphs for repo page


  • Wah Loon Keng
  • Laura Graesser